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20.01.8462 - 12:26 AM

The Asturians approached the revolving doors of the Kotakahuana Palace meeting Marta and Nair inside the lobby. The two got up and went to the door. As soon as Vaughan and Lélia entered, supporting themselves, they both burst into tears.

"I can't believe that happened," said Nair. "Poor Fernand."

"And we still have two more murders, what the heck!" Said Marta.

"It's a delicate situation," Lélia spoke while the rest entered the hotel lobby.

Vaughan remained in his dark glasses and the hood covering part of his face.

"We will have a statement from Charlotte today at two in the afternoon, nine in the evening Arkadia time," said Nair. "They just announced she will address the current restrictions."

"Let's watch," Lélia spoke. "Shall we all go up then?"

"The hotel informed us that they already make available one of the conference rooms for us to have lunch. Do you want to go there directly?" Marta asked. "Van, if you want to go upstairs to rest, I can accompany you."

"Calm down, everyone. I can be alone if necessary, I will not try to kill myself again," Vaughan spoke from under the hood; his voice came out monotonous and hoarse. No one reacted, and so Vaughan continued: "I realized that it will be more useful to stay alive to find the responsible for Jeannie's death and then kill them."

"I can't scold you," Lélia spoke.

"Me neither," said Mila. "I'll help you on this mission."

Two in the afternoon arrived with remarkable speed. The mourning for Jean was still something under the skin, and everyone tried to recover, in vain, from the certainty of the girl's death. Vaughan had spent the last few days in daydreams and dreams where his daughter appeared with her typical vivacity, saying that it was all just a joke.

Lunch was over, and everyone went upstairs to one of the six-floor rooms to connect the pronouncement. Scarlet has projected her MC's screen onto television in one of the bedrooms, and everyone settles down on the bed, floor, and two chairs in the bedroom when Charlotte's face appeared on the television. Charlotte was on the balcony of her apartment, standing, her blond braids tucked into a giant crown. It was infrequent to see her with the official crown and as well produced as in that image, this usually happened when she had good information to pass on.

"Dear citizens of the world. As you all know, today we had the trial of Fernand Louis, who was convicted of the Hofburg invasion in Vindobona. With his arrest, we began to evolve in our investigation to put an end to the murders that took place. We already know that Oswaldo de la Fontaine, former Chief Representative of Asturias, is also involved in these events, and today we started a detailed search for Mr. Oswaldo. Since we already have Fernand in our custody, I can safely assume that we will soon be reaching Oswaldo. I would like to communicate the end of international barriers. From this moment on, all international travel is allowed. Events can resume as normal, without hindrance. We are slowly putting an end to this sad page of our history and returning to ordinary life without forgetting the irreparable losses from these attacks. I take this opportunity to announce that a monument will be built at Two Rivers Square in honor of the lost lives. Have a good rest of the day. Thank you!"

The transmission was cut off immediately.

"Does this mean that we can leave this hotel?" Questioned Scarlet.

"I understand so," Lélia said with her MC in hand. "I'll confirm it with Charlotte."

Lélia typed a message to the Supersovereign and soon received a reply.

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