Sidemen Among Us In Real Life

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Channel : Sidemen
Post date : October 26th, 2020
Edited : ☑️


- Foul language
- Fake murders..?
- Goes to third person for a second, there is a marker when it does and a marker for when it switches back

Your outfit ⤵️

Your outfit ⤵️

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Today was the day, Among Us in real life. We'd come out to the section of a 'haunted house', it really was just a house under construction. We all stood up on the front steps of the house eagerly waiting for the first round to begin. This game made my gut wrench online so I was a little panicky having to do this in real life and at night of all times... We have 5 challenges to do before we're aloud to leave the house, free from the 'murderer' chasing after us. A game of giant Jenga, a weigh-in station, a game where you have to toss a ball in a bucket, the electric wire where you have to move the little hook along the wire without the two coming in contact or it'll make noise and finally a cube game were you have to make a 3D cube out of puffy vinyl blocks.

I gulped nervously as Harry started to hand out brown envelopes, each one with a name written in big letters on the front. Once all the envelopes were handed out we all hastily got to ripping them open. I shrunk in on myself to try and block the guys view as I pulled the small letter out. My eyes scanned over the paper reading, 'crewmate'. I nodded my head pushing the letter back in and resealing the envelope. I didn't know whether to be happy about that or not, one thing I had been thinking was that being a crewmate was going to be a hell of a lot scarier than being the imposter.

"Alright lads." Harry said once all the envelopes had been resealed. "It's not me by the way." He said glancing between all of us.

"Okay." Josh replied.

"Sure..." I trailed off narrowing my eyes at him suspiciously.

"It's not me." Harry repeated.

"That's sus bro." Tobi mumbled from the other end of our long line. We all started chuckling and talking over each other, I licked my lips nervously as I looked to the camera held in my hand, shaking my head and rolling my eyes at it.

"Alright, alright." Harry chuckled calming us all down. "3, 2," Harry counted down, "1, go." We all instantly turned around starting our way into the house.

I ignored the boys chatter as I stepped foot into the vast foyer. I whimpered a bit, biting my lip nervously and deciding to go to the right but not having the courage to leave the group just yet.

"Nah, if we just all stay together then no one is going to be able to kill each other." JJ said, his voice bouncing off of the walls in the foyer so it seemed like he was shouting. I glanced over my shoulder at him before turning back to watch where I was walking. I liked his theory but I wanted to get away from everyone so I could do my tasks in private. I shook my head muttering a small 'I'm out' and split off from the rest of the boys.

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