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Malik's funeral is held exactly one week later.

The church is filled with many faces from school as expected. Everyone knew Malik Fisher. We are standing in pairs as we walk down the aisle. My partner is Arya. Will and Sierra are behind us while Ms. Whitney Everett and her youngest son, Elijah walk behind them.

The choir sings soulfully and when we pass by the casket, I'm hit with a genuine wave of sadness. Malik looks peaceful though, not much different from the photo that sits beside his body. His hair is freshly twisted and there isn't a speck of lint on his suit. His family made sure that he was sent off well. Ms. Colleen and her mother lean on each other for support in the front row, heavy sobs rocking both of their bodies. Malik's younger brother stares blankly ahead with his father's arm draped around his shoulder. I hate this for them. I wasn't close to Malik at all, but I still wish that a family didn't have to lose their eighteen-year-old to drugs.

Will's mother rushes over to the Fishers and hands her business partner and longtime friend a bouquet of flowers. The grieving woman rises to her feet to embrace her in return. Ms. Whitney also knows the pain of a heartbreak. The locket around her neck contains the last family photo that they took before her late husband, Ralph Everett lost his battle to cancer six years ago.

Once we take our seats, Arya comforts Morgan as thick streaks of black makeup trail down her pale face. The pastor takes up a little of our time before handing the mic to a few of Malik's loved ones to tell stories in his memory. His brother Ryan is the last one to speak and his words are the most powerful of all.

"Malik had huge dreams at one point in his life and I fully believe that he could've accomplished everything that his heart desired." He pauses and sighs, his eyes brimming with tears. "But when our big brother died he stopped believing in himself. Christian was his hero. Malik spiraled and started dabbling in things that he shouldn't have. He stopped caring about everything."

Ms. Colleen had three sons: Christian, Malik, and Ryan. Despite the two year age gap, many people believed her oldest two to be twins. They had the same face, the same skin complexion, and shared both parents whilst Ryan had his own father. They were inseparable. That is why when Christian was killed by a stray bullet a year and a half ago, Malik declined. Only now do I see just how far. Ms. Colleen only has one son left.

"I'm asking that anybody who is going through anything to please reach out and get help. My brother has been private about everything these past two years and we are devastated. I will do everything in my power to continue on for my family and make them proud. God bless you all for coming." The sixteen-year-old boy gives the mic back to the pastor and the room erupts in applause, most people deciding to stand up and some of them even run over to hug him.

Row by row, the church empties out and I spare one last glance the blue obituary in my hand.

***** *****

"Happy Halloween!"

Arya shouts, opening her front door. I step in inside and laugh at the contrast between their costumes and mine.

"Let me guess." I pull my Ghostface mask up and rub my chin, taking in the gray top, mice ears, shades, and painted on whiskers.

"We are the three blind mice, duh!" Brianna giggles, producing a little cane. Her black hair is gelled back into a puff and she's wearing big gold hoops that compliment her brown skin. She's chosen to be the modest one of the trio, choosing a turtleneck.

"Okay, let's go." Morgan adjusts the mice-eared headband on her silky hair before heading outside. Both her and Arya's roots have grown in.

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