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The heavy raindrops pelting my bedroom window and the thunderous claps in the sky are enough to jolt me awake. I've grown semi-accustomed to not sleeping through the night due to my helpless nightmares of the salty entity singing me to exhaustion, constantly reminding me of the girl that I lost.

I motionlessly lie in bed for hours, feeling overwhelmed with the howls of the wind and the aggressive knocks on the glass. The creaks in the house are more apparent than ever and even the tiny dust particles fluttering through the darkness are able to grasp my attention. It's happening.

No, it's already happened.

I searched for the signs when the clock struck midnight, but they were imperceptible then. Now, they're louder than a blaring car horn. My hands are larger, my senses more keen, and my pajama bottoms have tightened uncomfortably. I snatch my phone off my nightstand upon the first vibration, wincing at the brief clatter against the wood and the shine of the lit screen. One new text message awaits me.

Open the front door

Fear rapidly creeps into my mind as I pad downstairs. It's only seven in the morning. Did something happen to Sierra again? Or maybe Will himself is hurt. The smell of sugar intensifies with each step. Did he bring Lauren with him? I fling the door open a little harder than I intend to, immediately taken aback by the ear-aching roaring of the storm behind them. Frigid air whips into the house and dries my lips instantly.

"Happy birthday!" The two people on the porch are dressed in dark hoodies and sweatpants, shivering underneath their dampened attire.

"What's all this?" I step aside with a crooked grin, gesturing towards the items in their hands — five helium filled balloons and a miniature cake with my name written in chocolate frosting.

"Gifts for the birthday boy, duh!" Sierra giggles, gently setting the confection on the counter before securing my torso in a tight embrace. Under my new circumstances, everyone else is shorter than before, more flimsy in appearance.

"Thanks. I really appreciate it."

"You know we had to since you didn't wanna make no plans. I can stand yo' too-cool ass sometimes, man." Will and I slap hands, a sly grin spreading across his lips. "Aye, you lucky I'm being mature enough to not give you yo' mandatory eighteen licks."

"Yeah, save it. My dad already did last night. They all came into my room, singing, punching,  and tickling me. Torturous."

"Okay, let me say a little birthday prayer for you then." Sierra opens the plastic container and lights two candles. "Lord, thank you for creating Andrew Stone, one of my dearest friends, on January the third. We are so grateful for his life and all of the joy he brings to ours. Amen. Now make a wish and blow it out, Drew!"

"Amen." I close my eyes for a second before extinguishing the mild flames in one blow.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Amen. You better thank the Lord for me too come April fourteenth." Will yawns, shuffling through the drawers in search of a knife and fork.

"That was absolutely beautiful, Sierra." Grandma Lynn bends the corner with a warm smile. Her hair is wrapped in a brown scarf that's twisted into a low bun, leaving only her silver edges visible. Sierra and Will rush over to hug her just as my parents come out of their room. "Now, are you ready for my gift?"

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