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"I need a miracle, man." I rub my palm across the top of my coarse hair, staring at my barber through the mirror. Hakeem spins me around with a chuckle after making sure the black apron is secured around my neck and gets to work.

A ding of the bell above the door pierces through the assembly of buzzing hair clippers, signaling the arrival of another customer. The older man dressed in his usual business casual attire punctuates his sneezes with a stomp of his foot and a tip of his hat. "Whew! That mufuckin' pollen ain't no joke!"

It was true. May had arrived with a full dosage of everything that spring had to offer. The humidity is at an all time high and the bees are very busy.

"Wassup, Mr. James." Hakeem briefly pauses, laying a hand towel over his shoulder. "I'll be with you in a minute."

"Of course, of course." Mr. James grabs a few Kleenex tissues from a side table before finding an empty seat. His pungent cologne wafts into my nostrils. "I already know what you're getting ready for, Andrew. My niece went last weekend."

"Yeah, it's a big day." I smile, holding my head down for Hakeem to taper the back.

"Try not to get nobody pregnant!" Another man shakes his head, earning a laugh from listening ears. "Oh, if I had a time machine."

"I'll definitely be responsible." My shoulders are dusted off as I inspect the new crispness of my hairline. Impressed, I slide Hakeem a couple of bills before heading towards the glass door.

"Be careful out there, young man." Mr. James calls, pulling himself up to replace me in the leather chair. "Prom night can get a little crazy."

***** *****

By eight o' clock, the venue is alive with flashing lights and music so loud that it vibrates my entire body. Arya leads me to a table, already needing a break from standing in her high heels. I barely watch my step, too fixated on how she looks in the emerald green dress bedazzled with silver rhinestones across the bottom.

"You look great." I repeat for the third time, planting a kiss on the side of her head.

"Thank you." She leans to the left to get in frame of Morgan's front camera, reminding me of my own device forgotten in my car. Unsatisfied with the first couple of shots, the girls position themselves for countless do-overs while I bob my head to the bass rattling my chest.

"The main event has finally arrived." Will laughs, roughly patting me on the back before pulling out a chair for Nia. She's in a royal blue gown characterized by a high slit on the left side.

"I've been here for about thirty minutes actually." I tease, slapping hands with him.

A familiar song rips through the speakers and we all run to the dance floor. Sierra points finger guns at us as she raps along, holding up the black shimmery corset with her other arm. Her sandy brown ponytail whips from side to side, slapping her date, Marcus, in the face. A few songs later, Will and I are dragged into the photo booth. The three of us pose for four different pictures that I don't even see printed before Arya calls my name.

"We've got to slow dance at least once." She smiles, tugging me out of the small space. Wrapping my arms around her narrow waist, I almost get lost in her eyes as we sway to the soft melody until the silver necklace gleams under the blue strobe lights. Silver, not gold like I dreamt.

"Andrew," Arya unclasps her hands from around my neck. "I said do you want some punch?"

"Uhh, yeah. I'll go get it." We part ways as another tune carries through the air but I still can't shake the sinking feeling in my gut. Maybe things haven't been smooth because I got her the wrong type of metal. Had I damned us again? I'd spent the better part of my childhood making fun of grandma Lynn for being so superstitious, but yet here I am, believing that my relationship must coincide with the thoughts of my slumber. I mean, why else would they be reoccurring if not to tell me something?

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