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"Good morning, students and staff. Happy Tuesday! As some of you may already know, Miles Smith was found alive on Monday evening after eight and a half weeks being missing. He is now safe and recovering in the hospital. The Smith family thanks all of you who took the time to spread the word about his disappearance, those who helped look for him, and those who sent well wishes their way. This concludes my portion of today's morning announcements."

"What a blessing." Mrs. Baxter exhales and the classroom comes alive with noise over the news that I've known since last night. Ms. Leala is a nurse so of course Sierra relayed it to me and Will before dinner.

"Man, he prolly just ran away. Nobody goes missin' for that long and is found alive unless they left willingly." Jarvis Gibbs scoffs, twisting one of his plaits.

He's a close friend of Jamal's who used to play ball for the school as well, until he was kicked off for bad grades and worse behavior. His chipped front tooth and the scars on his deep brown skin tell it all.

"Jarvis, that is insensitive. We don't know what he's been through." Tatiana scolds him. Her hair is braided into a pony tail that nearly sweeps the floor. She's slim with a wide nose, full lips, and long nails that are always painted shades of neon. Right now, they're orange.

"For eight weeks though?" He sucks his teeth. "I'on believe it. People do crazy things for attention."

"That is enough, all of you." Mrs. Baxter declares. "Now, turn to page four hundred and three. We've got quite a bit of reading to do."

***** *****

"Hey, have you seen Corvin around?"

Sierra takes her eyes away from the window and shakes her head. "Not since the fair."

"I haven't either, not that I want to. I just thought that it was weird."

Corvin doesn't strike me as someone who gets good enough grades to skip class and still be doing well. I haven't actually seen him in school since that day in Dr. Wright's office. Maybe he ended up getting expelled after all.

Elle stirs in the pink and gray carseat between us and Sierra quickly puts her pacifier back in her mouth. She's bundled up in a long sleeved onesie that matches her skin tone with soft bear shoes and a beanie. The new diamond studs look adorable in her freshly pierced ears.

"Did you see his costume though? The quality was immaculate!" Sierra compliments. "I've never seen fake teeth look so good."

"Definitely." I watch a rain droplet glide down the window. It is quickly replaced by many more.

"Are y'all talking about that rich boy who's always getting into something?" Shayla rubs chapstick across her lips.

"Oh! I know the one." Terrance presses a button that makes the windshield wipers speed up. "You know, my great aunt has lived in Hillsbury Grove for years and she told me that she's never seen Corvin's parents before."


"Ever. That's weird 'cause my aunt Darlene sits on the porch all the time so she knows all of her neighbors except for the Wades."

"So, who has been raising Corvin then?"

"Ms. Geneva." I reply. "She's more like a grandmother than a nanny at this point."

"Yup." Terrance nods. "That's exactly what my aunt said. She also said that Ms. Geneva rarely ever leaves the home and is very short in conversation."

"Hmm." Shayla hums. "You'll have to point out his house when we go to Hakeem's party."

Terrance breaks out into a grin at the mention of the Millers youngest son. He retells the story of how he and Hakeem became such close friends after getting assigned as roommates in college that Terrance made him his best man. Shayla punctuates the end of his story with a twirl of the knob that controls the volume and emotional r&b tracks flood the vehicle, corresponding with the bleak weather.

I tap Sierra on the shoulder, careful not to lean on the sleeping infant between us. "Do you have a date for tomorrow night?"

"No. I'm taking a break from boys."

The stoicism in her voice fills me with instant regret. I nod stiffly and decide to let the conversation die. Besides shying away from certain people and activities every now and then, Sierra's behavior has been relatively in character since the assault. She's named weekly therapy sessions as a major contributor to her sanity.

"Park over there, babe." Shayla points to one of the less crowded parking garages and we are suddenly shielded from the moody clouds.

The cold November air nips at my face when I open the door only to find relief when we enter the warmed shopping center. The aroma of hot chocolate and expensive fragrances are a delightful greeting. It's decently busy inside, but not as bad as it would be outside of work hours.

"Wait! Sierra, take a picture of me." Shayla hands her younger sister her phone and poses with Elle's stroller. She's wearing an oversized sweater with thigh high boots and a cropped bubble coat. She shakes her sandy brown bob in place, and adjusts her shades for the shot.

"Do I look like a hot mom?" Shayla turns to show off her backside.

"Yes." Terrance answers immediately and Sierra makes a face, causing Shayla to laugh.

We shop for about two hours before everyone is satisfied with their purchases and ready to eat, deciding to get lunch at one of the newer Italian restaurants. It's sleek and modern, but still has that traditional feel in some aspects and I hope the food is one of them. Shortly after the waiter takes our drink orders, Sierra and Shayla go to the restroom with Elle while Terrance steps outside of the restaurant to take a call, leaving me alone at the table.

I became so immersed in the games on my phone that the icy blue eyes aimed my way a few tables down genuinely startled me. The man that owns them has fawn skin with wavy black hair that is tied neatly behind his head.

Something is off.

His piercing stare is unwavering and although not particularly vicious, slightly alarming. His chest rises and falls dramatically, like he's just run a marathon but his mouth remains closed. A waiter sets down a glass of water in front of the man, but he receives zero acknowledgement.

Terrance returns and takes the seat across from me, temporarily obstructing my view. Soon after that, the others join us and we order our entrees. I can barely focus on the topic at hand, unable to shake the nagging feeling that I'm still being watched and every so often, I swivel my head around to confirm my suspicions.

"Drew?" Sierra waves an open palm over my face. "I asked if you checked on Will today. He still hasn't responded to my texts."

"Uhh yeah." I blink. "Last I heard he was taking some medicine. It probably knocked him out."

Today school was void of our friend group with Will stuck in bed with a stomach virus and Sierra and I just interested in getting our weekend started early. All of my work was completed three days ago anyway. Dessert is devoured rather quickly and Terrance picks up the bill for the entire table.

"I appreciate this." I dap him up. "Y'all really helped me get my mind right."

Good company is always healing and I'm grateful for all three of them. Well, four. Elle isn't so bad.

"Anytime, bro." Shayla smiles, giving her baby a kiss before nestling her back inside of the stroller. I hook my fingers through the handles of the shopping bags and rise to my feet. Of course, my eyes fall directly to the spot I've been trying to avoid for an hour and a half. Only an empty glass remains. The man is gone.

By the time I get back home, everyone is asleep and the air is scented with vanilla. I shower and climb into bed, unlocking my phone and swiping to my messages. Usually, I am apprehensive about contacting anyone outside of my inner circle past a certain hour, but in the spirit of moving on, I ask her to accompany me to Hakeem's party and press send before any nervous jitters settle in. She gave me her number for a reason, right? And now I've finally used it. A brand new notification dings in less than two minutes, way faster than I am accustomed to.

It's about time you came around. Yes.

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