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"What the fuck? I've been textin' and callin' you and you couldn't pick up 'cause you over here with this nigga?" I pull Arya by her arm, separating her from Jamal and she giggles.

"Woah bruh, you don't have to be so rough." Jamal chimes in and attempts to physically put himself between us.

"Back the fuck up." I snatch away from him, keeping her in my grasp. People have paused to stare at the three of us, making me feel like a zoo animal.

"Andrew, stop!" Arya whines. "You are ruining the fun."

"The what? It's fun rubbing your ass on every dude you see?" I scoff and she belches, releasing the scent of booze. After hearing about her brother, I chalked Arya's drinking up to her grief. I thought that I could handle it but right now, I'm disgusted.

"Andrew, Andrew, Andrew. I've never known you to be so feisty." Corvin sings, enjoying the show.

Dressed in a dark suit with a cape that sweeps the ground, the eyeliner adds the finishing touch to Corvin's Count Dracula imitation. The guy next to him is wearing an almost identical costume. I recognize him as the one who brought the cupcake out the night of Corvin's party. His small dreadlocks are crinkled and reach the middle of his back, partially obscuring his face.

"Corvin, I'm not in the mood for your shit either."

"You don't own me or my ass, Andrew!" Arya yanks her arm away from me and takes a step back. "I can do whatever I want."

"Let's just go." I huff, running a stressed hand over my head. I don't even want to fight anymore. I just want to get from underneath all this scrutiny.

"No. I'm still enjoying myself."


"No," she reasserts.

"Arya please," I lower my voice. "Come with me."

"She said no already. Don't you know what that means, Andrew?" Jamal steps in front of her protectively and I can see in his eyes that he's sizing me up.

"Wassup, Jamal?" Will strides towards us, hands shoved into his pockets, and Jamal remembers himself, taking the slightest step back.

"Nothing. We're chilling. I think Andrew is about to go home though."

Xander's eyes fixate on someone behind me and I follow his gaze to Sierra who's shifts from one foot to the other. Maybe Will should have killed him. I shuffle my feet until I'm standing directly in front of her, effectively blocking his view.

"You know what? I am finna go. Fuck y'all." I declare, walking backwards. "Sierra, are you riding with me?"

"Yes." She softly answers. Morgan and Brianna exchange looks and I'm sure they're realizing that they've got to find another way home.

Will grabs Elijah and Nia's hands, halting his step when he notices the smile on Xander's lips.

"Yo' nose looks a little crooked, Xander. What happened again? Oh yeah, something bout getting yo ass handed to you by seven niggas. They might not be so gracious the next time they catch you so I'd leave folks alone if I were you."

The embarrassment that flashes across his features is masked the second he realizes that he's taken the spotlight and Corvin erupts in laughter, banging his hands on the table.

We grab funnel cake, turkey legs, candy apples, chili cheese fries, and cotton candy right before we leave and it almost makes me feel better.

"This is the best Halloween ever! Way better than trick-or-treating!" Elijah exclaims, powered sugar around his mouth and I nod, happy that someone is having a better night than I am.

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