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"I caught her roaming." Boris glares.

"No, you caught me asking another guard for help and immediately attacked me. The only reason that you are still standing is because I do not want to seem like I am imposing a threat to the pack by striking you down. Now, untie me."

"After what happened today, you are lucky that I did not kill you on sight, witch." He snaps.

"She may be trespassing, but she is not the intruder. Healers cannot kill. Release her," Alpha Chantel calmly demands, folding her arms across her chest. "State your business, young Castril."

Her last name has saved her. The head guard grabs a pocket knife and frees Cataleya with a single swipe. She rubs her raw wrists, a scowl directed towards each of her captors, and Ezra's beady red eyes regard her with equal venom. "I have come with news. Firstly, we have finally broken the spell that bans humans from the magical realm. They should also be able to reenter their own for the first time in decades."

"Well, that's great." I smile, but it's not reciprocated. Instead the light dims in Cataleya's eyes. "Isn't it?"

"Yes, but just as we were able to break through due to years of picking, the loyals are not too far off from doing the same with the enchanted borders in other territories, hence the debacle that struck tonight. Rogues of every species will have to work harder, because this is only the beginning."

"I see." Alpha Chantel turns a thoughtful gaze to the ceiling. "It may be time to enact a light curfew until we can fully access the damage. We are due to place an order from Wendstark."

"Cataleya, I heard you calling my name earlier in the stadium, but I couldn't stop to talk. You sounded.... distressed. Is this why?" I ask.

"I must admit that my other reason for being here is quite selfish, but I need some peace of mind." She sighs, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear. "My mother has not returned and according to a few of her patients, they haven't seen her yet either. Have any of you?"

Cold dread courses through my body as a unanimous no is uttered and she twists her lips to the side in defeat. "Okay, I could be worrying for nothing. At least I hope I am."

"My family wrote to me a few weeks ago to tell me that Valeria was late. There's a chance that she never made it to my house. We gotta go." I jog to my room before anyone can respond, throw some stuff in my original bookbag, and hurry back through the corridor.

The guards cross their spears in front of the door, blocking our path. "Regardless of your personal affairs, we are still on lockdown."

"Man, if you don't get the fuck out of my way." I tighten my grip on my backpack strap, sizing up the half-bull, half human creatures.

Extending her arms on either side of her body, Cataleya spins and the wind from her hands slices each glorified stick down the middle. "That is pay back for my broom."

Boris huffs through his nose, vibrating his septum ring and before any of the other pack officials make a move, Alpha Chantel clears her throat. "Let them go."

"What?" Jaxon shouts.

"Number Three, another outburst and I will have you switch ranks with Luke. You are becoming a pest. All of you! I do not want to hear anymore protests...ever! Get back to your posts! The real intruder could still be here." She growls, holding back her wolf and a brief blanket of stunned silence engulfs us before the shuffling of Minotaur hooves takes over.

"Thank you, Alpha." I bow my head, more appreciative of her compliance than she will ever know. "I will return as soon as I can."

I dash out of the door and into the empty streets with Cataleya by my side. We stumble across a broken wooden broom and she stops to collect the straw bristles, stuffing them in her pockets. "It was not all that great to begin with, but it is completely useless now as a whole. I cannot waste precious material."

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