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Day thirty.

For the past seven hundred and twenty hours, I've been a student at Saph Raven, had zero communication with my family, and been physically challenged more times than I ever have in my eighteen years of living.

I release a labored sigh before I open my eyes, already dreading leaving the firm twin bed. Dust particles float through the ray of sunshine streaming through the small dormitory window.

"Are all of the youths in your realm frowny hermits, or are you just special?" Shawn teases, pulling a wrinkled academy t-shirt over his head. A black bird with velvet blue sapphire gems for eyes is printed over heather gray fabric.

"Probably not, but folks from back home ain't gettin' dragged by motherfuckers with superhuman strength either." I pull a face as I sit up and throw my legs over the edge of the mattress, connecting my soles with the cold floor. "I'm gonna really cherish this day off."

"As am I." He smirks, brushing his coarse stubble forward in the mirror stuck onto his closet door. "Oh, return this to Cadet Marshall for me please. She accidentally left them after the drill and I keep forgetting to give them back."

He sets a pair of silver locker room keys on my nightstand, each engraved with her initials: A.M.

I limp into the bathroom, allowing the hot water to loosen up my aching muscles. Though it doesn't completely undo the damage of the last forty-eight hours, I step out of the shower feeling a little more refreshed. The door opens and shuts, signaling Shawn's departure from the room so I take the opportunity to blast music from my phone.

Something other than confusing mermaid chatter.

Once I'm dressed in breathable athletic wear, I stroll down the hallway and approach the front desk. "Good morning. Anything for me today?"

"Good Morning, Cadet Stone. As a matter of fact, there sure is." The receptionist produces a small stack of envelopes, and I accept them, absolutely beside myself to finally see the names of the people that I love the most. "Congratulations on your victory two days ago. Your bruises are a sign of honor."

"Thank you, ma'am."

My parents. Grandma Lynn. Will. Sierra. They've all sent something. I remove my backpack, carefully slipping the mail into the front pocket.

"Her Zenith Sryx has always been an excellent decision maker." She leans forward, biting the tip of her pen as her eyes travel up my entire body. "And you do not have to call me, ma'am. Believe me, I am not that old."

Instead of letting her know that I'm aware that she is probably in her mid twenties, and that it's just my southern charm talking, I nod. "Okay, Elorna. Have a nice day."

Tires crunching on gravel outside the glass doors signal for me to head outside, ending the conversation then and there. If Will could see the dullness in my reply, he'd call me a pussy. Elorna Bleu is fine and all, but the truth is, women haven't been a priority for me since my last relationship. I still see her when I close my eyes. I'm still not emotionally available.

Anaïs sits behind the wheel of a mustard yellow cart, waving enthusiastically and I hop in the passenger seat.

"Wassup." We tap our forearms. "My first question of the day is, how does everybody know that Sryx is the one that gave me the elf-eye?"

"Because of the color. When one of Her Zeniths passes out certain gifts, their irises change from brown to something exuberant. Her Zenith Sryx is yellow while Her Zenith Xorett is purple."

"Right. Based on the name Zenith, Sryx and Xorett are the important elves." I drag out my words, indirectly fishing for more information.

"Correct. It is said that the Moon Goddess created the five of them directly, without the usage of another to birth them in a traditional manner, which makes them far more superior than the rest of the elves and the majority of creatures in general. Her Zeniths are immortal."

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