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"How about this one?"

Sierra holds up what has to be the tenth dress for us to inspect, receiving nothing but disinterested groans in return. We've only been in the mall for about two hours, but the majority of the time has been spent in three boutiques. Coupling the long day at school with the lallygagging around this massive building, my feet hurt and my appetite is rampant.

"I still got homework to do, Si. Let's wrap this up." Will exhales, checking the time on his phone.

"Okay, okay. Dang." She grumbles, disappearing into the changing room.

Another agonizing twenty minutes pass before we're sitting at the food court, waiting for Will to come back with our order. Sierra chatters about which outfit combination she'll wear to Corvin's party and I half listen, zoning out and people watching.

"So what do you think, black or white?" Her hazel eyes burn into mine with deep anticipation.

"" I shrug, craning my neck to the side as Ayra bends the corner with multiple shopping bags in her hands. The thick headband, hot pink dress, and her petite frame add to the ethnic Barbie doll aesthetic. Her painted lips turn upward at Morgan's animated expression and for the millionth time, I wished she were mine.

"Drew," Sierra waves her palm. "What are you smiling at?"

"Nothin'." I perk up, sliding my cold beverage to the side as Will approaches with a steaming pizza box. He plops down next to Sierra and we waste no time digging in, engaging in minimal conversation.

"So basically y'all are back together." I wipe tomato sauce off my snickering face and ball up the greasy napkin in my fist.

"I mean...I wouldn't say all that." Will's sly expression conveys everything that his words do not. "Me and Nia are just...talking for now."

"Oh please, they're back together." Sierra rolls her eyes, sharing equal sentiments with me; we've heard this before. He sucks his teeth, pretending to be in denial about his tumultuous on-again, off-again relationship.

"Hey, mind if we sit with you guys?" The sound of Arya's sweet tone increases my heart rate. This is our third interaction in one week and it's getting progressively more difficult to downplay my enthusiasm.

"Yes, we do mind." Will deadpans.

"He's just playing," I shoot him a subtle glare, beckoning the two girls forward by scooting over. Morgan's deep blue eyes are skeptical but nevertheless, she takes a seat next to Arya.

"So wassup?" I fold my arms, attempting to break the ice.

"Nothing much." Arya tugs at a stray curl in front of her face. "Just doing a little shopping for the party and hanging out. And you guys?"

"The same thing actually."

"Oh, so you decided to come? Good!" She smiles and the women fall into discussion about hair and makeup. The entire time, I fiddle with the stud earrings pierced through my lobes, working up the courage to ask the burning question.

Morgan's phone buzzes with a notification and she gathers her belongings. "Our ride is here. See y'all later."

I gotta do it right now.

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