Chapter 14. Puppet Vs Golden Freddy in truths...

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Puppet was stunned. He just stood there. Like his body finally gave up moving, he was still as a stone statue. Thoughts flooded, left and collected in his mind. Truths, ideas and just about everything that had ever happened flooded his mind too. "Y-you lied to me." Puppet stuttered. Shocked out of his mind. Golden Freddy took a breath. "I didn't lie to y..!" "YES YOU DID!" The puppet screamed, finally able to move. "You lied about the one thing that kept me alive. The one thing you help in the beginning for." Tears streamed down puppets face, making the purple lines a darker shade of purple. Springtrap backed up a bit. Shocked that puppet could acutely cry and because of what was happening. "Puppet, I'm sorry. I wa.." "BE QUIET! YOUR NOT SORRY. YOU DONT EVEN HAVE MY BODY ANYMORE. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE IT IS, HOW DO YOU KNOW ITS SAFE?!?" Puppet screamed. "Calm down. Please." Golden Freddy Begged. Hurt framing his face and changing his voice to worried and scared. "NO!" Puppet raged. He splayed his fingers and light streamed from then. Collecting all round them untill puppet and golden Freddy were enveloped in it. "I can explain." Golden Freddy cried. "I Don't want to hea.." "SHUT UP" Springtrap screamed. Puppet and golden Freddy turned to face Springtrap. Suddenly surprised. "Puppet, I know your hurt and mad at golden Freddy but please give him a chance to explain it. Please." Puppet faced golden Freddy and nodded slightly. "Ok." Golden Freddy said. "In the original diner, Fredbears family diner, where you were murdered in cold blood by the purple guy. I took you in and kept your body safe. Because I knew that you deserved better. I was framed for the murder and the place was shut down. But when that happened, your body was still inside me. You were still in the diner with me. Years later, thes aged gained public and private requests to open the diner back up. So what he did was sneaky. He was greedy. Money was all he wanted. So he built a wall of dirt around the diner and built Freddy fazbears pizza on top. The same one that's standing today. The public went crazy. They loved it. And because of its name, the lawyers and court took no notice. So the diner flourished." "Yeah, so" the puppet said. Still not satisfied. "Don't you get it? The manager IS the purple guy!" Puppet looked at him funny. "Ok, I'll give you a few hints. One, the knife he killed you with was from the diner, the diner was locked so a key was needed. Two, the manager drove a 1980 purple dodge challenger. An expensive car, but what sort of car was behind you when the murder happened?" Puppets eyes started to widen. "And last but not least. What was his favourite colour and what sort of clothes was he wearing? I'll let you figure that one out." Puppet thought for a moment. But the more he thought, the more the truth hit him. "T-the managers t-the puppet guy!" Puppet stuttered on the truth. "That's, that's OH MY GOD! But where's my body come into this?" "Oh yeah." Golden Freddy said. "But it still continues on. Their is two purple guys you see. The one who killed you and the one that planned everything. The one who planned it all through. The one who killed you had a son and he's now the manager of this diner." "Ryan's dad. The man who had the son was the father of Ryan!!" Golden Freddy nodded. "But the one who planned it only came into the diner on occasions. And that last time was the other day. Then day that you were first discovered by Ryan's dad. He was sooo overwhelmed that he took you out of the basement AKA original diner. While you were gone, he can into the basement and opened me up with a hand crank, he took your body out and stuffed me with one of their own. He took your body and left." Puppet grew tense. "So you see, I kept your body for as long as I could but I was switched with the body of the guy who killed you. So my ways of acting and taking are from this body." Puppet claimed down a little. "So where do you think my body is?" Puppet asked. "Possibly in another animatronic. One animatronic taken off production and usage." "Ok then, how about we search the diner and see what we fin...!" Puppet was cut off by the sound of a whistling sound. A pink object spun through the sky and landed at their feet. "A cupcake?" Puppet, golden Freddy and Springtrap said at the same time. "Hello, boys." A squeaky voice called out from the edge of the diner. They all looked up as Chica came bolting down to them. Arms spread, teary wide, ready to attack!

Hey guys, I hope u all liked that chapter. Took me an hour and a bit to write it. It's a little long but better than nothing right :)
Hope u guys like all my stories and twists I made up :) the next part will be coming soon!
Thx guys

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