Chapter 2. The Show, The Animatronics & The Puppet

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As the show started, little kids screamed in delight and joy. The main attraction for the diner was starting. The lights above the seats dimmed as a thin layer of fog emerged on the stage. "Lady's and gentlemen, boys and girls" said a robotic/human voice over the loud speaker. "Welcome to the animatronic diner, where food and fun meet. This show is where it all begins." Jason jumped with joy. "A special request has been submitted to us for the show. We will be performing 4 new songs and a special guest will be joining us. You will be the first audience to witness the puppet. Please enjoy."
Blue, yellow, red and green Lights started to sweep across the stage, creating rainbows in their wake.

The large red and purple curtains lifted up to reveal the animatronics. Bonnie sat behind a drum set, Chica held a base guitar and stood behind a microphone, Freddy held an electric guitar and stood in front of a microphone and foxy stood behind a keyboard.

Bonnie gave 4 taps with his drum sticks and the show show started. They played dozens of songs, their own songs and remakes of previous songs. Ever now and again, Freddy moved to the crowd to let the audience join in on the singing. Jason almost got a turn but he didn't care. He was having the time of his life. At the end of about the 24th song, Freddy spoke into the microphone. "Hey guys, our guest will now be joining us. Please cheer on his name!" Freddy and the other animatronics got the crowd into chanting, PUPPET, PUPPET, PUPPET. Over and over again until the curtains parted again. The puppet stepped onto the stage. It looked sort of strange in Jason's point of view.
Its body was black and three white buttons were situated on its chest. It's limbs were black and thin and it's arms collected into 3 long fingers. It's face was white, with purple lines running down from its eyes, sort of like fake clown tears. It's eye sockets seemed to be empty. Just gaping black holes. The puppets face cracked a smile as it gazed over the crowd. It seemed happy. Like it had never seen a crowd of people before. Then the puppet levelled it's arm and extended it's 3 fingers at the crowd. The air above the puppets hand rippled. The crowd gave a scream.

5 nights at freddys; THE PUPPETWhere stories live. Discover now