Chapter 6. The Truth

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Jason was frozen in fear and amazement. He was standing in front of the original animatronic, golden Freddy. The puppet must of seen he was scared. "He won't hurt you Jason, everything you've heard from TV and radio has been a lie." Jason calmed down a little. "He's telling the truth." Golden Freddy said, his voice was quite gentle but old. "What happened in 'Fredbears family diner' was a lie. I didn't kill the young boy, the door was locked and I was programmed to only serve the childen in the diner." Jason sat down and so did the puppet and golden Freddy. "So what happened then?" Jason asked. Golden Freddy looked at the puppet and he nodded. "When golden Freddy was serving the children" the puppet started. "A mother came to pick up her child. when she left, another boy ran out. It was raining at the time and he got scared from the lighting. He tried to open the door but it was locked." Jason started to listen even more. "When he screamed and cried, a car pulled up and a man dressed in purple got out. He strangled the boy and killed him with a knife. The man fled and was never found. The knife was found and the police thought that Golden Freddy had killed him because the knife belonged to 'Fredbears Family diner'!" Jason stared in awe. "What happened next." Jason asked. The puppet looked at Golden Freddy and they had a silent conversation. "Can you keep a secret?" The puppet asked. "Only golden Freddy and I know this." Jason nodded. "The boy who died had an incident when he died. He was never meant to die, he had unfinished business, he had to find the killer. When a soul has unfinished business, strange things tend to happen." Jason nodded. "We'll when he died, his soul became a new form." "What was it?" Jason asked. They were quiet for a moment.
"Your looking right at it!" The puppet said. Jason's eyes went wide and he fell off of his chair. "WHAT" he screamed. "so your saying that I'm talking to a ghost who wants, I mean needs to find the killer of, we'll you, and kill him?!?" The puppet nodded. Jason let out a small whimper. "Wait" he said. "How is golden Freddy involved?" Golden Freddy got up and removed his Head. Instead of a robotic endo-skeleton skull, a crumpled up body was inside! It had tears still marked on its face. They were purple. The same as the puppets lines on his face! "Golden Freddy felt sorry for me so since that day, we have been working together to find his killer. And because a puppet needs to be controlled by someone to move, my body's brain is still alive, it tells me what to do." "W-ow" Jason said while standing up. "So without golden Freddy, you'd be dead?" Jason asked?" "Exactly" the puppet said.

"So" Jason said. "Do we have any suspects?"Only 1" the puppet said. "The manager of the animatronic diner!" Golden Freddy said. "So you want to, kill, Ryan's dad?" Jason asked with half a smile. "Yep, and your gonna help us!"

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