Chapter 17. The Fight For One

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Foxy and Golden Freddy charged at each other. They were about 3 meters apart and foxy sprung in the air and lunged down at golden freddy. Golden freddy stepped aside and foxy crashed into the ground, jumping after the impact and landing on his feet. Golden freddy threw his hat at foxy which distracted foxy for just a second. But a second was all golden Freddy needed. Golden freddy kicked foxy'a legs out from underneath him and foxy hit the ground. Golden freddy curled up his legs and crunched into foxys body. Foxy let out a cry and tried to shake golden freddy off him, but golden freddy was too heavy for foxys slender arms. Golden freddy jumped off foxy and kicked him square under the chin. Foxy went flying and hit the same tree that chica crashed on a few minuets ago. Foxy got up, and tried to speak but all that came out was a harsh squeal. Puppet laughed. "Golden freddy" puppet shouted in Gilden Freddys direction. "You unhinged Foxy's jaw and damaged his voice box....good job!" Golden freddy smiled and became focused again. Foxy was surprised at what happened and went wide eyed when he realised what happened. Foxy let out a squeal which sounded a little angry but just plain funny at the same time. Foxy ran at golden freddy and raised his hook, about to slash. Golden freddy saw this coming, grabbed Foxy's hook arm, bent it towards foxys chest and slashed downwards. Foxy screamed loudly and shook with pain. A huge gash was now planted on Foxy's chest. The spine of his endoskeleton now sees me through the gash. Foxy glared at golden freddy. "You won" foxy said with a sigh. Golden freddy looked happy. "Now it's your part of the deal." Foxy tilted his head in confusion then he realised what was about to happen. "Oh.... No... Golden freddy.... NO... NOOO" golden freddy picked up foxy with two hands. "I hope I can aim well." Golden freddy did a little run on the spot and booted Foxy into the air and out of sight, all while foxy gave a loud screech until he was gone. Puppet and Springtrap cracked up laughing. "That was soo good" puppet said, wiping a imaginary tear from his eye. "Well, what now?" Springtrap asked. "Well first we need to know who we have defeated and befriended and who is left an..." "Um golden freddy" Springtrap cut him off. "What are we going to do about chica?"
Chica wasn't laying at the foot of the tree anymore, she was standing up-right, eyes red and mouth wide. She was ready to attack!

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