Chapter 3. Unexplained Joy

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The crowd screamed. But not in horror, they screamed in delight and amazement! The puppet was making 4 kids levitate! An aura of purple surrounded the children as they rose ok the air! "Haha" Jason cried as a young boy flew over his head. Then Jason started to feel funny, Like gravity had lost its effect. He too was floating! The purple aura was warm and soft, like a marshmallow. "Go Jason" Jason's mum shouted in joy. Then the puppet swept his hands inwards and the 5 kids landed on the stage. They all surrounded the puppet, getting a first hand view of him. The other animatronics walked up to the small crowd of kids. "The puppet will be joining us for all our future shows" Freddy said. The puppet looked at Freddy and the others. He seemed curious about them. They were robotic after all but the puppet looked, human like. The puppet stepped back and raised his hands again. The 5 kids levitated and flew to their seats but not before doing a few flips in the air. When they landed, the puppet gave a wave and disappeared behind he curtain.

"We'll guys" Freddy said. "This comes to the end of our show" the crowd erupted on awwws. "But for a special treat, can the 5 kids who the puppet treated to first class levitation, can they please follow us. And Everyone else, can you please leave quietly and the attendant will hand out free coupons. Thank you." Jason and his mum stood up. "Go" she said. "Have fun!" "Thanks mum" Jason said. He hugged his mum and ran off to join the other kids. "Hello again" Freddy and Chica said. "Congratulations" Bonnie said. "You 5 have been chosen for a private tour of the diner!" "Yay" Jason and another boy shouted at the same time. "Please follow us" Foxy said.

"I'm Ryan" the young boy said. "I'm 10 years old. What's your name?" "I'm Jason and I'm also 10"Jason said. "Cool, hey wanna go exploring the diner?" He asked. "Aren't we getting a tour anyway." Jason said. "Yeah but if we see a place that they don't take us too, let's explore it." Jason thought for a moment. "Ok" he said. Jason and Ryan laughed and ran to catch up to the tour.

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