Chapter 9. Hunted

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Jason woke up to the sound of sirens. He jumped up in his bed and dashed to the window. Outside, in the distance, police cars were zooming through roads, obviously looking for something. "What the hell" Jason asked himself. He was answered by a sharp scream in the distance. Jason went pale. "N-no." He stuttered. "It- It can't be!"
Jason spun around. Golden Freddy and the Puppet were sitting on his bed. "Hey" Jason said. Still in shock. "Listen" the puppet said while getting up. Golden Freddy got up too. "We had a little, accident." Golden Freddy said. "What. What happened?" Jason asked. "We'll, I took the report to puppet, he read it and went to show foxy. Because unlike the other Animatronics, he can be trusted. But foxy reacted from reading it and his eyes turned red." Jason gaped. "And so did the other animatronics. Their eyes are all red, and there angry." Jason and the puppet were silent. "We think that the animatronics believe that Golden Freddy killed, we'll, me. And they think we're going to do it again by kidnapping you." "But, you didn't kidnap me, I chose to help you find your killer." "I know" the puppet said. "But tell that to them." They looked out the window. Freddy, Chica, Bonnie and Foxy were dashing down the road, towards Jason's house! "How do they know where I live?" Jason asked getting agitated. "They can sense us here. Robots can smell robots. It's, it's a mechanical thing, you'll understand if you turn into us." Jason laughed. "I'll see."

They got out of Jason's room and snuck down the stairs. They reached the living room and crouched behind the couch. "Ok, when I say go, we bolt to the window." Jason nodded. "1. 2.....3!" But as they got up, Jason nearly screamed at the sight. Hanging from the window was a body. It's head was decapitated and mounted on a knife. A gruesome 3 claw slash was situated across the victims chest, exposing ravaged organs. The victims blood was painted on the window in 2 bold dripping words; Your Next! Jason screamed. He realised who the vicim was. The long hair, the colour of the hair, the colour of the skin, the clothes it was wearing. The victim was Jason's mother. "Mum" Jason cried in pain. Blood still ran down the walls, showing that she had just recently been killed. The puppet stood up. "Jason" he said in a bold but worried tone. "We are being hunted!"

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