Chapter Eighty Six

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"I wonder how it going out there." O'kaor tried to sound optimistic as T'ahrou paced the length of the gathering area.

"They should have been back by now. What if this was all a trap? What if she attacked Dhadtoudi? What if she turned her over to more of her little dissection experts?"

O'kaor rolled his eyes at his taller cousin. "You know as well as I do that Dhadtoudi wouldn't let her pull off such a scheme. Besides, didn't she take the gauntlet? If anything happens, you'll be the first to know about it."

"What if it malfunctions? What if they figure out how to disable it? What if-..."

The entryway door was thrown open as Dhadtoudi staggered inside, smelling heavily of smoke and a sickening sour odor. Brielle was right behind her, hands submissively in the air as she started right in with her explanation.

"Okay first off: she's fine. She hated the movie, and she didn't want to eat dinner because she said it was contaminated with human toxins - I'm pretty sure she meant the preservatives and seasonings. Second: she had a few drinks, but I guess our alcohol isn't as 'pure' as yours, and it doesn't seem to be agreeing with her ."

About that time, Dhadtoudi's body began to purge the contents of her stomach before she could even make it to the hallway. T'ahrou seemed as though he wanted to aid his sickly mate, but the smell of vomit, bile, and rancid alcohol kept his feet planted firmly in place. The puking woman attempted to take another step towards the bathroom but fell against the wall and slumped to the floor with frustrated tears welling in her eyes as her body heaved once more. She couldn't recall ever being this sick before, and she knew she never wanted it to happen again.

The pup cried from one of the bedrooms as he was alerted to the females' return, which only upset Dhadtoudi more. Before she knew what was happening, Brielle was scooping her up and helping her the rest of the way to the bathroom where she continued to vomit, curse, and swear off of alcohol for the rest of her life.

T'ahrou was left in the kitchen seeming frustrated and embarrassed by his mate's horrendous display, and although O'kaor trilled in amusement at the scene, he couldn't help but pity the woman. It seemed every time she tried to get in touch with her heritage, it promptly came back to bite her in the ass. For now he only hoped that she could purge her system of whatever vile substances she had indulged throughout the evening, and that his mask had filtration systems strong enough to keep the offensive odors from his sensitive olfactory receptors.

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