Chapter Forty Nine

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"Dhadtoudi, what's bothering you?"

The woman was sitting on the bed with an abundance of tools and electrical devices scattered about. Her face was red with anger and her brow furrowed over her grey eyes as if she were focusing intently on whatever task she'd assigned herself. "Your blaster needs to be cleaned."

A low trill of clicks escaped his throat as he felt the onset of a headache nagging at his temple. "I just cleaned it this morning."

"Well I'm cleaning it again."

"Put it down."

"If it's not clean, it won't work right."

"I TOLD YOU TO PUT IT DOWN!" She recoiled at the sheer intensity of his voice, the blaster and tool both falling to the pelt covers below. A menacing growl filled the room as the male's chest heaved with each breath. "I don't know what has gotten into you, but you need to stop! You have torn apart every piece of equipment in this dwelling over the span of a few days for no reason at all."

"Okay...I'm sorry. I'll put it together and-..."

"You will leave it alone." Her eyes moved to watch him as he crossed the room and gathered the various parts in his arms and placed them on the nearby workbench. "You have done enough. I think you need to help Zaiyu with your mother. She hasn't been the same since Tah'kath passed."

Dhadtoudi inhaled deeply before rising to her feet and heading out of the room. "You are such a prick!" He growled at the human words that she spoke. He knew she primarily spoke that language when she was badmouthing someone or wanting to keep something secret. T'ahrou reasoned the purpose this time was for badmouthing.

T'ahrou's eyes opened suddenly at the sound of a door opening on the far side of the room

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T'ahrou's eyes opened suddenly at the sound of a door opening on the far side of the room. A man dressed in a white lab coat stepped into the room that currently served as their prison cell. Thick framed glasses rested atop the man's nose as his eyes scanned a thick folder in his hands. T'ahrou looked to the side and noticed O'kaor was pacing the length of his own containment system.

The man spoke into a small handheld device which had a red button on top, and once he was done he stepped closer to the Yautja warriors. O'kaor came to a stop in front of the human and T'ahrou stood as well. "I don't know how familiar you are with human anatomy, but the woman that was found with you...what kind of experiments did your kind use her for?" Silence was his answer. He pushed the glasses higher on his nose with a single finger and cleared his throat. "We took the liberty of running a few tests on her while she was unconscious, and we were surprised to find a lot of abnormalities in terms of her reproductive system. Would you happen to know anything about that?" Again no response as the two warriors watched him motionlessly. "I see. Well then, I suppose we'll simply have to cut into her to learn further details...though I was hoping to avoid such drastic methods. It is quite painful, you know? Especially without the assistance of sedatives."

O'kaor glanced briefly toward his elder cousin before quickly returning his attention to the human. The man grinned. "Ah, so you're the one who's responsible..! Am I correct to assume that mutating her internal setup was absolutely excruciating for her?"


"You will not speak to this insect, is that clear?" A moment later O'kaor nodded in understanding and resumed watching the scientist.

"If only we had another specimen that could provide us with some decent test results...then we wouldn't need to tear through her flesh and muscle to tear out her insides." The man in the lab coat looked T'ahrou straight in the eyes and gave a devilish smile. "Well that's just too bad..."

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