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Joe's P.O.V

I yawn getting out of bed making my way to the bathroom I have a wee before getting a shower.

"Joe hurry up you've been in there for over fifteen minutes."

"Give me another minute I'm finishing my hair."

I call back as I apply the last of the gel to it washing my hands I walk out of the bathroom and downstairs.

"Mornin dad."

"Morning son your boss called this morning he needs your help with a roof on Saturday."

"Alright I'll call him back later after school."

He nods turning back to the paper I grab a bowl and a box of coco pops. Grabbing a spoon I make my breakfast before Zoë comes down getting some pancakes.

"Dad I won't be coming home right after school I'm going to Louise's."

"Okay just be home before ten thirty it's still a school night."

"I will."

After finishing our food we rush up brushing our teeth before grabbing our bags. Starting the five minute walk to school Zoë chatters to me about Alfie who winked at her in the hall way.

"You should talk to him then Zo."

"Maybe you're right I mean it's worth a shot."

"It is and while you do that I'll keep my focus on school."

"And off a certain blond hair blue eyed beauty?"

"Yeah it's not like anyone at school would really accept me a lot of them are so homophobic much less accept the fact that I'm crushing on the captain of the footie team."

"I'll support you Joe no matter what I don't understand why people are so against it. Your sexual orientation has nothing to do with them, it shouldn't matter if you like males or females or both."

She whispers the last part as we get closer to the school.

"Like I was saying it has nothing at all to do with them."

"Who has the best sister in the world?"

I ask hugging her and she giggles.

"You do."

I smile as we walk into the school I head to my locker putting my bag in and grabbing the first set of books and notebooks I'll need for my first four classes. Will pops up beside me and we head to homeroom. Walking in I keep my eyes down since Caspar is in this room and I don't want to be caught staring at him.

"You okay Joe?"

"Y-yeah I'm fine why?"

"Because you just stopped talking all of a sudden."

We hear Caspar laugh and he grins at me in a creepy sort of way.

"It's because of a certain person isn't it?"

"Shut up you little shit."

I blush which causes him to laugh at me shaking his head as we quickly take our seats.


Short update and Will is teasing Joe already lol.

Falling (Short Story) boyxboy ✔️ Needs EditedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora