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*Warning may cause a trigger point.*
Caspar's P.O.V
I sit in the library at a table waiting for Joe to show up running a hand threw my hair I let out a sigh. Just as I'm about to give up and leave Joe slowly comes over.

"Sorry I'm late I had to help a teacher and then I had an argument with myself on if I should come here or not so I did."

"Thanks for meeting me I have a few things to tell you first again I'm terribly sorry for what has happened lately. I was terrified when I realized I had feelings for you, I don't know why I let it slip. If I could take it back I would um Nathan and Alex."

I take a deep breath rubbing my hand over my face.

"I have known them since year seven we were well sort of friends anyway I went over to Nathan's place one day. We were suppose to be working on a project for class and he was my partner.  This was shortly after the time I thought I liked boys I was still trying to figure everything out. I was confused it's really confusing at first. Alex was over that day and they had been drinking I know what kids in year seven do that but they did. His mum was  out for the day which I didn't really think mattered at the time. Boy was I wrong we went up to his room to work on the project but that didn't happen they f- uh fondled me. Tied me to a chair palming me threw my sweatpants grinding all against me. Said they would show me how it felt to have a guy touch me. How they knew I was questioning my sexuality I have no clue.
I felt so violated they said if I told anyone they would make my life a living hell. I went home that night sobbing I then burnt my clothes and scrubbed my skin raw."

I wipe at my eyes looking down at my hands.

"I said to myself after that I would never like boys if that's what happens I don't want to be apart of that so I pushed the feelings away. I was fine for the next few years but then you came to the school. I started hating myself when I noticed how adorable you were and are. Then the two of us started hanging out  for your project and talking slowly becoming friends. I know non of this changes what I did or make it okay. But I figure you should know why I didn't want to tell anyone that I'm gay. I really do like you Joe I wouldn't lie about something like that. I am falling for you and no matter how hard I try I can't stop. I wish I could go back two weeks ago and slap a hand over my big mouth."

He looks at his hands before looking back up at me.

"I'm sorry about what happened to you that wasn't right what they did to you. If I give you a second chance it's going to take some time for me to trust you again. I know I shouldn't forgive you for what you did. But the thing is I want this to work I really do I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too."

I say looking at him I stand up holding my arms open and he hangs me tightly.

"Thank you so much for giving me this second chance, we can start all over again as I work to rebuild your trust in me."

He nods his head before we stand and leave I walk beside him smiling to myself. As we walk down the halls people look an whisper. I take Joe's hand in mine and he lightly squeezes it.

"I'm going to be here for you."

I whisper in his ear as we go to our classes.
Only two more chapters left 😭😭😭😭 *le sobs*

Falling (Short Story) boyxboy ✔️ Needs EditedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin