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Joe's P.O.V
"I hope I can read this in front of everyone I'm so scared."

"Don't worry Joe you'll be fine."

"Almin is right you'll be fine and Caspar will be there so you have nothing to be afraid of. We have you're back mate okay trust us."

I nod my head as we walk to class I slide into my seat and Will pats my back. I see Caspar across the room he sends me a smile and I give him a small one back. Our first week back after winter break the past four weeks Caspar has done so well. He's walked me to my classes and home being understanding when I want some time alone. I smile thinking back to how he picked a UNI only two hours from here in London.

"Good morning class today we are going to read our essay's about the person you followed out loud. Stacy you can read your essay first you can sit here next to my desk or stand."

I let out a sigh of relief that I don't have to go first we listen as Stacy goes to the front and starts reading. A few other people go before I hear my name called Will gives me a thumbs up and I gulp. Standing in front of the class I gulp before looking around the room my eyes landing on Caspar who gives me a small smile.

"The fellow student that I followed is captain of the footie team Caspar Lee, when I first found out I had gotten Caspar I was terrified. I thought he was going to be this guy who thought he was better then everyone else but I realized he isn't. Caspar lives with his mum Emily his sister Theo and his step-father who's name I forgot to ask about."

"It's Sham."(a/n I don't know if that's how you spell it.)

"Thank you Caspar."

I smile before I continue.

"Caspar was born April twenty-fourth nineteen ninety-four he moved to South Africa when he was younger and lived there for a majority of his life. When he moved back he joined the footie team soon becoming captain. Caspar has many favorite things and generally loves life he has a YouTube channel he started when he was bored at the age of sixteen. One of the things Caspar loves most it making people smile. Since I started working on this studying Caspar I have learned so many things about him. The one that made most of the distance was how he stood up against so many people."

I move my hair from my face reading more of my essay before looking into Caspar's eyes as I read the last paragraph.

"I am so thankful I got to hang out with him and learn about him in the process he made me even if it wasn't in the best way. Let people know something about myself only few knew I'm no longer afraid of what people think of that. I already had feelings for him but this project made me realize even more just how hard I'm falling for him."

Everyone claps as I hand my essay to my teacher two more students go after I do before the class bell finally rings. I rush out of the room to my next class letting Caspar have time to think. I successfully avoid him in the halls and our other two classes together. At lunch I sit with Dan and Phil who have lunch in the library to work on a partner project they have.

"You can't avoid him forever you know that right?"

"Yes Phil I know that but I want to give him some time to think about it."

"What's there to think about he obviously feels the same and want's to screw you against the wall."


I whisper yell causing him to chuckle and Phil swats his chest, Dan takes his hand lacing their fingers together smiling. I look away giving them some privacy I see Caspar outside the door and I run behind a bookself.

"What are you doing?"

"Caspar is out there Phil I can't let him see me."

"You'll be fine don't worry."

"He's with Phil in the fiction section."

My eyes widen when I hear Dan talk to Caspar Phil grabs my arm so I can't run and Caspar comes over.

"Hey Joe."

"I'll leave you two alone."

Phil says winking at me before going to Dan I look at Caspar feeling my cheeks heat up.

"I really liked your essay in class you did amazing."

"I just told the truth."

I shrug and he cups my cheeks looking into my eyes.

"Even about falling for me?"

"I've had feelings for you for a long time the project just made me realize them more."

Smiling he leans slightly forward and I connect our lips moving mine against his slowly. We pull away breathless and he grins looking at me.

"I want to take you out this weekend."

"I would love that."

I smile before connecting our lips again wrapping my arms around his neck.
One more chapter and then the epilogue I decided to be nice and make it 25 chapters instead of just 24. :)

Falling (Short Story) boyxboy ✔️ Needs EditedWhere stories live. Discover now