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Joe's P.O.V *Non of the hateful things said towards Joe are true. *
I walk the halls slowly after having missed the past three days it's only ten in the morning and already people are whispering as I walk down the hall. I've been accompanied to every class but this one. Keeping my head down I slip threw the students as I make my way upstairs.

"Well well well look what we have here a little fag."

I gulp when I hear a deep voice turning I see Alex Matthew and Nathan M'Coy.

"W-what do you want?"

"To teach you a lesson fags aren't welcome in this school especially ugly ones like you."

I turn running and I feel a grip on the back of my shirt pulling me back tightening against my throat. I cough as I'm spun around and kneed in the gut.

"What should we do next Alex?"

"Maybe he needs a little roughing up."

My eyes widen and I struggle to get away and I feel a slap to my face groaning I close my eyes waiting for it to end.

When it's finally over I limp to the bathroom I wipe the blood from my nose before looking at the scratch across my chest and red marks to my face and arms. I was going to have a lot of bruising and be soar for the next few days. Tears fill my eyes as I go into a stall locking the door pulling out my phone I text Alfie to come to the bathroom, keeping my feet up I wait there my sides throbbing.


I quickly unlock the door falling against him and he gasps looking at me.

"Joe what the hell happened to you?"

"Alex and Nathan."

He frowns helping me clean up and he looks at me.

"We need to tell someone."

"No way I'll get in even more trouble."

"Well I'll say something besides they won't get mad with me. I'll tell Tyler he'll tell his dad that way you won't get in trouble."

I nod my head and we walk out he leads me to Tyler's class and we knock on the door.

"Sorry for the interruption but we need to speak with Tyler please it's urgent."

She nods sending Tyler out.

"What's up guys?"

I tell him the story and I slowly see his face turn red.

"We're going to the office let's go."

He grabs both our wrists leading us to the office we walk in and he goes into his dad's office. We stand there waiting for him to finish after a few minutes we're called back.

"Hello Joe, Alfie."

"Hello Mr. Oakley."

"Now Joe Tyler told me you were assaulted by Alex Matthew and Nathan M'Coy is this true?"

"Yes sir it happened outside the stairwell."

I say and Alfie tells him about my bloody nose and I show him my side which has bruises beginning to form.

"Thank you for telling me about this I will take care of it immediately I'll have your dad pick you up. You don't have to finish out the day if you don't want to."

"You can call him but I've already missed three days this week I'll get behind."

"Alright but Alfie escort him to his classes please?"

"Yes sir."

"If you need to use the restroom have a student go with you."

"I will thank you sir."

He nods dismissing us we walk out and are given late passes before we walk into the hall.

"I can't believe this happened and all because Caspar let it slipped that you're gay."

"I know I haven't talked to him since it happened he's left me text and calls I just ignore them."

"That's the best thing that you can do, don't worry Joe we'll keep you safe."


Poor Joe I feel so bad for him :( this is the last update until I get back on the 19th. I'll probably update the 19th or the 20th again I hope you guys are enjoying this story.


Dedicated to: WallflowerEmily

Who's birthday is the 17th but sadly I won't be able to wish her a happy birthday then. So happy birthday babe I really really hope you have an absolutely amazing week and 19th birthday. Thank you for so many things and for being perf lots of love :*

Falling (Short Story) boyxboy ✔️ Needs EditedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt