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Almost the end of the summer

Joe's P.O.V
"I can't believe you're actually leaving here now."

"I know baby but I'll see you in a couple weeks after I get all settled in, my mum said she would bring you and Will to visit."

"It's going to drive me crazy not being able to see you."

"Same JoJo but just think this is your last year of school then you graduate my baby is so close."

He smiles kissing my cheek as we get carry another box of his up to his dorm room.

"At least your view is good and Oli is your roommate so you won't be all alone."

"I'll keep him out of trouble Joe don't worry."

"Thank you Oli."

I smile as we finish carrying everything else in we tour around a little bit before Zoe walks over.

"It's time for us to go Joe."

I sigh nodding Caspar keeps his arm around my waist as we get to the car we stop and he cups my cheeks kissing my mouth.

"I'm going to miss you so much Joe but remember you can text or call me whenever and I will answer as soon as I can."

"I'll miss you too please don't forget me."

"I won't and to make sure you don't forget that here I got you something."

He pulls a box out causing my eyes to widen and he chuckles."

"It's not an engagement ring at least not yet but it is a promise ring."

He puts it on my finger smiling down at it.

"I promise I'll always love you and I belong to you I'll be faithful to you and I hope you'll do the same."

"Always I love you Caspar so much."

I say wrapping my arms around his neck kissing his mouth.

"I love you too baby now you better get going before your dad comes looking for you and shoots me."

I laugh nodding my head kissing his mouth once more before hugging him tightly.

"I love you."

"I love you too Caspy."

Getting in the passenger seat I lean out the window for one more kiss before we pull away. I wave wiping my eyes as he slowly gets smaller before I can no longer see him.
Author's P.O.V

Over the next year Joe and Caspar kept their relationship alive with texts, phone calls and frequent visits. The summer Joe graduated Caspar was there to be the first to congratulate him. Joe went on to UNI that was an hour from home but only thirty minutes from where Caspar went. He and Will were accepted together and became dorm mates.

Once done with UNI both boys started YouTube channels along with many of their friends. After five years of dating Caspar asked Joe to marry him who excitedly said yes. Their engagement lasted ten months before they were married on June fourteenth. 

Caspar and Joe have two adopted children a two year old boy named Carter and a six month old daughter named Arabell. The four live happily together in a two story house on the outskirts of London.

                                                                                    The End


Author's Note.

Thank you so very much to every single person who has voted, read, commented, or even looked at this story. It means so much to me that it has gotten so far in only a couple months. I appreciate every single comment, vote and read. I hope you have enjoyed this story as much as I have. I am very sad it is finally ending but I do have another Jaspar story I am writing and more in works if you would like to read them.

I probably will not be doing a sequel to this even tho the epilogue is pretty short I like the way I have ended it. And sometimes stories are best left with only one book I thank you again for reading it and being so kind.

I love you all from the tips of my toes to the top of my head.

Dedicated to: All of you. <3:* 

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