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*I got my diploma today :) and thank you for over 12k :* (Okay A/N their dance is kinda decorated similar to the winter dance above in Harry Potter. Although not as many trees or things like that.) The picture is their outfits.

Joe's P.O.V
"Joe it's time to get dressed Marcus, Jim and Alfie are here."

"Okay I'll be up in a minute."

I say finishing the last of my essay hitting save I print it off then place it in my folder I was finally done. Turning my laptop off I walk to the kitchen to get a drink before going up to my room where the guys are.

"You ready to get dressed for the dance?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

I say and Zoe comes in with the girls grinning I groan inwardly as Zoe takes my hand leading me to a chair.

"Trust us Joe this is going to be one of the nights you remember for a long time."

"Just please don't make me look stupid."

"We won't close your eyes and enjoy."

~Twenty minutes later~

"You guys all look amazing now put on your clothes while us girls finish getting ready."

"Can we get something to eat before we leave I'm hungry."

"Yeah I think your dad made some sandwiches we're eating after the dance so it they will hold us off until then."

"His turkey lettuce and tomato sandwiches yas."

I smile as we walk into the kitchen and I grab one making sure to use a napkin so I don't get any on me. 

"These are great thanks dad."

"You're welcome I want you kids to have fun tonight and Alfie I need to chat with you."

We all oo as they walk into the den and a little later the girls come down.

"You sound like little kids are we ready?"

"Almost dad is still talking with Alfie about something."

We all finish our sandwiches before they come back out.

"Alright let's go guys.

"What did you talk about?"

"He said if I try to have sex with Zoe tonight or any night to follow before we are both out of our parents house. He won't hesitate to come after me with a bat or his gun."

"Way to go Daddy Sugg."

I chuckle causing Alfie to roll his eyes bumping lightly into my side as we get into his car. I sit next to Tanya who tells me what she's heard about the dance. When we arrive we head inside getting pictures taken. I watch as they go to dance and I sit at a table drinking some punch, I dance a few times with each of the girls before Will finds me.

"Hey Will!"

"Hey Joe glad to see you made it."

I smile as he sits next to me and we start chatting a microphone sounds and we look towards the stage.

"Hello everyone how's your night?"

Shouts of good go up to Tyler's dad who chuckles nodding.

"We have a student here who would like to address something."

I inhale sharply when I see Caspar walk up on stage I try to advert my eyes but I can't.

"Hey everyone well these past two weeks have been challenging and I have something I want to talk about. I told someone's secret that they didn't want to be told, I told about this person's sexuality something they wanted to keep to themselves. Especially with how homophobic a lot of you are I've heard of plenty of students being beaten because of this. This person was one of them I honestly felt my whole world crash the day I let it slip that he was gay. I don't want him or anyone else who isn't straight to be afraid to come out because they'll have the crap beat out of them. Before you found out their sexuality you were friends with them they're still the same person they just happen to like the same gender or genders. This issue is really personal to me not only because this person is someone I really care about. But it's also because this person is someone I think I may be falling for."

Gasps and whispers go threw out the crowed and I stare up as his eyes search the crowd before meeting mine.

"Joe I'm so sorry for what I said and to what's been happening, I know that can't erase what I've done but I really am sorry. To anyone who's hurt Joe or anyone else knock it off because you wouldn't like it if someone did that to you if you were in their shoes. I am gay and I'm not going to hide that  anymore. Have a good rest of the evening."

I watch as he gets off stage and a bunch of people start clapping the music starts and I look down at the table.

"Joe are you okay?"

I look up to see Zoe and I nod my head she rubs my arm kissing my head.

"Whatever happens is up to you Joe I'll support you through any decision and I know the rest of our friends will think so too."

I nod my head thoughts swirling through my mind.

"I'll be back I need to clear my head."

"Okay I'll see you later mate."

I pat his shoulder before walking out the door to sit on one of the benches I see someone else and I hear my name.



"You can sit if you want to I just needed some air."

I sit down beside him looking up at the sky breathing deeply.

"I'm sorry for everything Joe I didn't mean to let that slip out or to say it the way I did."

"I know Caspar."

"These past two weeks have been filled with nothing but regret and guilt because of what I did. I know you're still pissed and angry but I want to make it up to you. If you give me a second chance I'll try and make up everything I'll treat you right and I'll even explain to you tomorrow why I didn't want anyone to know about my sexuality. Why I tried to hid it instead of just coming out and telling you in the beginning."

"I'll need to think about everything Caspar this is a lot for me to take in but I do appreciate what you did up there thank you."

I press a light kiss to his cheek before going back inside to dance with Zoe.
Sorry I didn't update sooner like I said I would but I wanted this to be long so here you are I hope you enjoy it. :)


P.p.s Have you seen Caspar's new video yet it was adorable and he was like it's for boyfriend and girlfriend and Joe was like but we're boy on boy. XD I love it so much xx

Falling (Short Story) boyxboy ✔️ Needs EditedWhere stories live. Discover now