Chapter 22- Audition

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Harry's POV 

Today's the big day. I put on my clothes that I've been planning for days and get ready to go the auditions for the X- Factor. Mum has already printed some customized t-shirts that said "We Think Harry has the X- Factor" which was a bit embarrassing but then I can't blame her for being supportive. Adeliah was going to come too and I was extremely nervous.

I hopped into the car where Mum, Robin, Gemma and Adeliah were waiting for me. I was lightly sweating because of nerves and then I thought I couldn't do it.

"I can't do this, Adeliah." I whispered to Adeliah, negative thoughts were filling my head.

She put her hands on mine, calming me down, and said, "You're going to make it, Harry. I know you can."

Her words helped me calm down a bit, but still, nerves were jumping around. We arrived to the place where the auditions took place. We were getting ready and the next thing I know, my family and I were lining up.

Suddenly, the interview guy went up to me and asked. "What's your name and who are you with?"

"I'm Harry Styles and this is my Mum Anne, my sister Gemma, my stepfather Robin, and my girlfriend, Adeliah." I answered.

 "Great! Well I wish you the best of luck." The interviewer said and then moved onto the next contestant.

Even that made me slightly dizzy. If I was going to perform on stage, I really needed to calm down. I've been practicing, there was no need to be this nervous.

When you're nervous, time passed by quicker than a blink of the eyes. Somehow, I was standing right backstage of the stage where I would be facing the judges and the audiences. One of the guys that was working backstage, gave me a microphone, and said that I'll be next after this contestant.

"I'm so proud of you, Harry." My mum said, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

Then the guy, which I learned that his name was Jack, gave me a signal that I can go up to the stage now. I took a deep breath and looked at my family and Adeliah. Adeliah sent me a smile and mouthed the word good luck. I nodded, returning her smile with a small grin and headed towards the stage. From here, I saw a massive amount of audience and the judges.

"Hello, what's your name and how old are you?" Simon asked me. His lips pursed.

"My name is Harry Styles and I'm 16 years old." I answered with a small smile.

"What are you currently doing?"

"I'm working at a bakery and getting ready for collage."

"Wow, alright. Okay, what are you going to be singing today?"

"I'm going to perform Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder."

As the music started, a rush of adrenaline rushed through my body. I took a look backstage and towards the audience and calm myself. And before I knew it, I already have finished my performance.

Cheryl Cole gave me a compliment in which I replied with a thank you. As each judges complimented, I smiled and gave myself a pat on the back in my head. I was so proud that I did it, now all I need to know if they're going to give me three yeses.

"I'm going to give you a yes." Louis Walsh said, he was always the nice guy.

"Me as well." Cheryl Cole replied.

And then it was Simon's turn, if he doesn't say yes then it wouldn't matter. The whole auditorium silenced, waiting for the moment of truth.

"Um..." He hesitated, "I think I'm going to give you a yes as well."

At that moment, I froze. I got all three judges. I got all yeses!

The audience applauded, waking me up to reality. I covered my hands with my mouth, still couldn't believe this was true. I said thank you quietly and headed backstage. As soon as I got there, I was bombarded by my Mum's kisses.

"Congratulations!" Gemma said and smiled brightly, "You did it!"

Then Adeliah came to me and gave me a hug, "You made it baby."

"Yea, because of you." I gave her a kiss on the head.

Now that I've made it here, I need to do one more act to make sure that I'm going to be in the competition.


All of the guys were asked to line up on the stage, I know what was happening. The judges would call out names and those people would get to go to the Judges' house. I stood there, my legs shaking, and I led out a nervous sigh. I looked back and Adeliah was constantly mouthing assuring words to me.

They were calling out five names and four have been called already and none of them were mine. The adrenaline was rushing through me like crazy. I looked up, praying that the last spot will belong to me.

"Matt." Simon called out.

I slumped down my shoulder, and looked down to the ground. It was not my name.

"Sorry guys that was the last name. I'm truly sorry." Simon apologized.

My hands were on my face, covering my tears that were threatened to fall out. The cameraman slowly approached me, quietly asking if it was okay for him to film me. I nodded.

"It's just... I've waited for so long." I quietly spoke, my voice croaked.

And just then, I heard someone calling out for my name.

"Can we have Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, and Liam Payne, back on stage please?" I heard what seems to be like Simon's voice.

My eyes widened in surprise. Did I do something wrong? I was freaked out. I walked up to stage nervously with my hands by my side.

"We have been considering and I think you guys are too talented to let go of," Cheryl said.

"And so that's why, we've decided to make you guys into a group." Simon continued.

I covered my mouth with my hands. I jumped up, too happy to even control myself. When I've finally composed myself and believed the fact that I was in a band, I looked at my four band mates. I still did not believe what just happened and what's there to come but I do know these four guys will be my friends for life. 


A/N: I know I haven't been updating since January and I'm so so sorry. I will try to update the story in a consistent pace because I hate unfinished fanfics too. Thanks for reading! xx.

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