Chapter 7- Be My Girlfriend?

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Adeliah’s POV  

I desperately wanted school to end. I just want to run to the park and see what’s going on in Harry’s head. He’s just as confused as me. I told Brittany about the park thing, and she wished me good luck.

I walked to home first and dropped off my stuffs, then I went to the park. It was fall so the park was so beautiful. A combination of red, orange, and yellow leaves were scattered everywhere. Stone pathways were filled with wild purple flowers along the way. Everything was so nice. Then I saw Harry. Stood underneath our favourite tree, the one with the biggest trunk, its branches spread widely everywhere, filled with leaves with different colours. It was our favourite because Harry said it’s kind of like our friendship for each other, beautiful and loving.

“Hi.” I said sheepishly. I was still mad at him because he disappointed me.

“Ade, I know you’re disappointed because of what I’ve said at lunch. But I promise you, you wouldn’t be disappointed anymore. Now, come with me.” He said, leading the way.

Harry’s POV

I was feeling so crazy inside. My organs were jumping around, everything was so chaotic inside my head. However, the park was the bipolar opposite of what I was feeling. The birds were chirping, and the leaves were falling quietly. I waited for Adeliah for quite a while now, I really want her to show up.

Right on cue, Adeliah was walking towards me. I felt every pulse of my body, my palms were getting very sweaty.

“Hi.” Ade was not happy, I know she’s still mad at me because of what happened today at lunch.

“Ade, I know you’re disappointed because of what I’ve said at lunch. But I promise you, you wouldn’t be disappointed anymore. Now, come with me.” I extended my hand to her, walking her to the secret location that I’ve planned.

We walked for a while, and Ade was getting nervous. “Are we there yet?”

“We’re almost there, love.” I assured her.

We walked for a little bit more, and there it was. The secret location.

A bunch of flowers was scattered everywhere. In the middle of the scattered flowers, there was a ring of purple flowers since Ade’s favourite colour is purple. In the center of the flower ring, a candle was lit up.

I was feeling so anxious, I think I might pass out. But, I need to do this, because I love her. I love Ade.

“We’ve been friends for quite a while now. You and me, we know each other pretty well. Every day, you’re the one who really makes me myself. I’ve been having feelings for you since that science project in grade, and my feelings have never changed since. I know you have problems, like your nightmares, but there’s nothing to be afraid of, Adeliah. I’ll always be here and catch you whenever you fall and will always give you a laugh after a bad day. Adeliah, now that I’ve said everything, will you be my girlfriend?”

I waited for her answer, the longest 2 minutes of my life.

Then, a single tear shredded on Adeliah’s face and she answered the perfect answer, “Yes, Harry. I will be your girlfriend.”

Then, we shared the perfect kiss in the midst of a cheap and bad-smelling candle and in the ring of wild flowers. It was pure and special, just like us.

We laid there for what seems like forever. All of our hesitations, our regrets, and our sins were gone. Surrounding by wild flowers, but our hearts were tamed. A scar has been healed inside of me, for once, I felt complete. With Adeliah wrapped around my arms, that made me feel like I’m the only one for her. The anxiety, the nerves that were here before was fading away. I never have believed in perfect moments, but I’m in one perfect moment right now.

I thought it couldn’t get even more perfect, that is until she started to hum along to the tune of Chasing Cars.

Then, we started to sing out loud the words to Chasing Cars even though I sounded like a seal. I quieted down for a minute and I heard her beautiful voice. Adeliah sounded so angelic, and, with her lovely hazelnut eyes, she looked like a princess.  She noticed me listening to her intently and stopped singing completely.

“Hey, you’re supposed to sing with me!” She said.

“You were so into it, plus, you sounded perfect, I thought I would tune down a bit.” I replied back, half-smiling.

I closed my eyes.“Come here.”

She nuzzled into me, our warmth radiating to each other.

“We should really get back, it’s getting dark.” She said.

“Fine, but I love being so close to you.”

She blushed. I stood up, and helped her with my arms. We walked together, talking about stuffs only we could talk about.

“Remember that time when you used to wear tie-dye hoodies and you think that was cool?” She laughed as a 13-year-old Harry came back to her mind.

“I was only 13! How about you, wearing pink tutus.” I remarked.

“But you said that was cute!”

“It’s not really fair, you look great in anything!” I exclaimed.

She laughed, “Well, too bad for you.”

I fake-pouted his lips, “You are being mean to me already?”

She gave me a kiss on the cheek, “I’m sorry.”

“Now, that just solves everything.”

We reached her house faster than I thought, I stopped, turning Adeliah’s face towards mine, longing the moment.

“I love you.” I said.

“I love you too.”

We kissed again, I smiled during the kiss. I think she did too. 


A/N: Night Changes was on when I was writing this. This is my favourite chapter so far! Thank you for reading! 

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