Chapter 16- Clean

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Harry’s POV

I was in the bathroom, looking at myself again. I was definitely not happy with myself, but tonight, I got Adeliah. When she came and visit me today, it wasn’t simply a visit. It was a sign that somebody out there is actually caring for me and thinking of me. Perhaps I’m not that worthless at all. My mum and my sister are happy with me, what’s there to be sad of? I grabbed the familiar razor. This it is. This is the final cut and I won’t be harming myself again.

“Harry? What are you doing? You should be sleeping. Aren’t you going to school tomorrow?” My mum asked.

My palms were sweating, and my hand accidentally slipped the razor out. I led out a small gasp.

“Um… I’m just doing my thing mum.” I awkwardly made an excuse.

“Close the door, Harry!” She exclaimed and closed the door quietly for me.

I breathed out with a relief. However, I’ve dropped my razor. I thought I’d make my farewell to the razor with much more process than simply dropping it into the trash can but I guess that’s for the best. I smiled at myself, proud that I’ve escaped some of myself out. I’m finally clean.


Birds were chirping and the sun was shining right at my face.

“Wake up! You said you were going to school today.” My mum’s voice filled the room.

I groaned, “Okay, I’ll be down in 20.”

“Alright.” My mum said and walked out of the room. 

Despite that fact I was extremely tired but I decided to wake up. I got ready and came downstairs. I quickly ate my pancakes and headed to school.

“Bye Mum! Bye Gemma!” I said, waving to them.

“Bye!” They said at the same time.

I waited at Adeliah’s door as usual and she walked out with a huge smile on her face.

“Good morning Harry! I didn’t know you were picking me up.” She hugged me as tight as she can.

“You’re happy today! I’m happy too.” I said, returning the hug back.

Then, I looked at her right in the eyes and intertwined our hands. “I got something to tell you.”

“What is it?” She asked.

“I… I’m clean.” I said, barely audible.

“What do you mean? You mean… Like the…” She said just as quiet.

I nodded, “Yup.”

“So you mean you won’t be cutting anymore?”

“I think so, yeah.”

Adeliah stopped and jumped on me. “I’m so happy for you!” Then she gave me little kisses on my cheek.

I laughed at her excitement. “You have no idea how much you’ve helped me, Ade.”

Her eyes were brimmed with tears. “I love you so much, Harry.”

“I love you even more.” I said.

We embraced each other in the middle of the street. People were staring at us but we didn’t care. We were simply us.

“Let’s ditch school today, Ade.” I suggested.

“To where?” She asked.

“I don’t know… But I don’t want to go to school today.”

She laughed. “Alright. I think we have a reason to celebrate today, so let’s ditch school today Harry."

I offered her my hand, “Shall we?”

Ade took my hand and replied, “We shall.”

My mind was filled with things we could do to each other. Then, one thing stood out the most, and I knew the perfect thing for us to do. I led her to my childhood treehouse again. The treehouse was slowly destructing itself.

“Yes! I love the treehouse!” Ade jumped up and down in excitement.

“I thought we could you know… redecorate it a bit.” I said.

Her eyes lit up, “Of course!”

She took out a notebook from her bag and some pens, “We need a plan.” She drew out a sketch of the treehouse.

“Can we paint it again?” I suggested.

“Yeah, sure.” She agreed.

Our whole morning consisted of drawing the new treehouse. We were a bit ambitious to the point where Ade stopped and wondered where we would get all the stuffs. I smiled and said that I still have some paint at home.

After sketching for the new treehouse, we sat on the balcony, looking to the wonderful view of a forest right in front of us. Then, Ade decided to put her head into my legs and laid on them.

“I wish we could stay like this forever, you know.” She said.

“Mhm.” I replied back.

My hands went into her hair, stroking her beautiful brown locks.

“I’ve been sleeping well, lately.” Ade suddenly spoke.

My body felt lighter, I never have been this relieved. Her nightmares were her problem and they were also mine. If she was getting better, the same thing would happen to me too.

“I’m happy for you, Ade.” I said.

“You have no idea how much you’ve helped me.”

Then, we leaned into each other and press our lips together. Our moves synchronized as we deepen the kiss and then… you know what happened. 


a/n: Harry's clean woo! And I got 165 reads! Could not thank you guys enough! :D

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