Chapter 20- Ferris Wheel

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Talia’s POV

I could not get any more excited than now. It was New Year’s Eve and Niall was picking me up tonight. After the break, I need to make a giant thank you card to Adeliah, because of her, Niall and I started to really get to know each other.

“Talia! You don’t want to be late for your date night today with Niall, do you?” My mum called me from the kitchen.

“Of course I don’t! And how could you know…” I replied.

“Oh Talia, you’ve been rambling about him all week, asking yourself why he hadn’t ask you out yet.”

My mouth opened a bit, “But seriously, when will he ask me out?”

My mum smiled, the corner of her eyes wrinkled, “Don’t worry sweetheart, he will ask you when it’s the right time!” And then she gave me a wink. “Just like your father did.”

Right on cue, my father came out of nowhere and planted a kiss on her cheek. I jokingly rolled my eyes and glanced at the clock. Five more minutes and Niall will be right in front of my door, I was so nervous.

I looked at the mirror for probably the hundredth time of the night, and suddenly, the bell rang. Calm down Talia, I thought to myself. I walked towards the door, and turned the knob slowly.

“Good evening, Ms. Woodsen. Are you ready for your date night?” He quietly said, then took my hand.

“Yes, Mr. Horan, I’m so ready.”

I waved to my parents, who were smiling widely. My dad even wiped a fake tear out of the corner of his eyes.


We arrived to the place. It was a carnival. I smiled to myself, I told Niall I’ve always loved carnivals. I was happy because he actually listened to me. Niall opened the door for me and I got out. We were walking, not sure what to say to each other. Our hands brushed together, and then, we finally intertwined it.

“How’s break so far?” Niall asked.

“Break has been fantastic, lots of family time and reading too.” I answered. What a lame answer, Talia.

“I honestly haven’t read a full book since “How to Kill a Mockingbird”.” Niall said.

I turned my head towards him, “What? And how long since that has happened?”

“Erm… A year?” He answered confusingly. “I’m just so active all the time. I can’t sit in one place, I have to dance around or something.”

Then, a random song was on and Niall took my hands. “Enough about how much I despite reading, can we go to that Ferris wheel?”

I laughed, “Sure!”

We were in line and then I felt my bum being smacked. I turned around and there was Edward behind. Oh, the Chuck Bass of the Populars.

“Hey Edward, don’t touch her like that!” Niall said.

“Oh what if I won’t stop?” And then again, Edward repeated his actions.

“I said, don’t fucking touch her like that!” Niall’s voice risen, taking a step towards Edward. “Have your fun elsewhere, Edward.”

Fortunately, it was our turn to get into the ferris wheel. I sat in the seat, and Niall followed me.

“I’m sorry Talia, are you okay?” He asked me with full of concern.

“It’s fine Niall. Thanks for sticking up for me.” I said back.

We were finally moving. People were getting tinier, and I breathed out a relief when Edward was out of sight.

And then, Niall asked. “What if you’re in love with your friend? What would you do, Talia?”

“I’d say you go straight to them and confess. I mean, you guys are friends, how bad could it be?” I answered, desperately wanting to be that friend.

“But I don’t know if she loves me or not.”

“Then, you asked her out, see how things go.” I said, and then I couldn’t keep it in anymore. “Who’s the friend, Niall?”

“She’s right here with me.” He said, looking at me.

My breathing stopped, my eyes blinked, “Me?”

“Yeah you. I love you Talia.”

Those words I’ve been wanting to hear since that night we met at the party. “I love you too, Niall.”

“Would you be my girlfriend?”

“Yes, I would, Niall. I would.”

With the height as equally high as the stars, we shared our first kiss together. And then, sounds of fireworks exploded in the sky. We both turned our heads and watch the fireworks in a contained space.

“Happy New Year, baby.” Niall whispered.

 “Happy New Year.” 

n/: HAPPY NEW YEAR WOO. I'm late again but I love you all <3 Thanks for 183 reads! WE'RE SO CLOSE TO 200. 

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