Chapter 24

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Ade's POV

Last week when Harry got back home, I told him that I was moving. He was devastated and I was too. I didn't realize how much I was attached to him until he joined the competition. 8 weeks without him was complete hell. I did not acknowledge what I was doing for most of the times. My nightmares were getting worst than ever; every night I would wake up with sweat dripping all over my body. But when I told him the news, and when he made love to me, that was the only night where I felt safe. I wanted to blame someone for this but there was no one to blame. We were so good with each other, and now, we were forced to drift apart.

I was on my couch, watching the X-Factor Finals. I was voting for One Direction every week and I would tell my Mom to put in a couple of votes as well. Talia was telling everyone to vote and it was very funny.

The red light was blanketing the stage, all three contestants; including the boys were standing on it. Everyone looked extremely worried and scared; and then I looked at Harry.

I should have waited until the competition to end so it wouldn't affect his performance, or the boys' performance. Guilt rushed through me. Not only did I hurt him, I also somehow made a negative effect on their performance.

"And the next contestant entering the Finals will be..." The host said, and then paused.

It was between Rebecca and One Direction; my fingers were crossed for the boys.

"Rebecca." The host finished his shocking announcement.

I led out a breath; I didn't know I was holding. I was disappointed but somehow happy at the same time. I know I was being selfish but I got only one more week left in Holmes Chapel and then I'm off to New York. I need to spend as much time as possible with him because who knows when will we meet again?

I called him, knowing that he won't answer but I still did anyway. The need of him to be here with me was stronger than ever.

"Please come home with me. I need you." My voice almost broke. I did not know why I was feeling so needy and clingy.

Maybe the thought of losing him and going away frightened me a bit. I was getting used to live here. I know I've been living here my entire life but I've never felt so... alive like the past few months. I felt happiness, pain, sadness, and pleasure. I felt it all. It was hard thinking about moving into a new place and actually lives it in, and feels something.


I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night. I realized I dozed off on the couch last night after watching the X-Factor. I stood up and began climbing up the stairs. I felt my phone vibrated in my hand. It was a text from Harry.

Harry? What was he doing up so late?

Harry: I'm at your door... Let me in? I'm cold.

I was beyond confused but ecstatic at the same time. How did get from one place to another so quickly?

I opened the door, and was greeted by a half-asleep Harry.

"Ade." He rasped.

"Harry." I couldn't wait anymore. I put my arms out and embraced him into a hug.

I missed one of these hugs; they were so comforting and warm.

"Let's go inside." I said.

We silently walked up to my bedroom and closed the door gently. I plopped down into my bed, and scooted over, leaving some space for him.

He pinned me down into the mattress unexpectedly as I gasped in surprise.

"I miss you so fucking much." He almost growled into my neck, giving me a kiss there.

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