Chapter 9- His Demons

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I stood there, unable to do anything. My muscles wouldn’t even dare to budge, my head was getting dizzy. I grabbed onto a chair nearby and sat down slowly. I exhaled heavily, holding in my tears.

“But… you guys…” I paused, swallowing a huge lump on my throat then continued, “You lied to me.”

“You’re so caught up with your school work and I thought this wouldn’t be…” Mum spoke out words uncontrollably.

I cut her off, “How long have this happened?”

“Adeliah, calm-“

“How long have this happened?” I repeated, almost shouted out loud because I was too angry.

“Six months.”

I closed my eyes. I wiped away the tears, they’re not worth it for these kinds of parents. Who would lie to their kids six months straight that everything was okay when everything was the complete opposite?

I went to the door, “I’m going out.”

“Adeliah! Where are you going?” Mum followed me down the stairs.

“Anywhere but here.” I answered harshly and opened the door widely, then slammed it hard.

I walked to the park, Harry’s park I called it, and ran into the secret location of ours. The only place that contains my happiest memory, for now.

The flowers were starting to fade its purple color, and the candle was melted completely. The secret location was no longer as beautiful, but it was still my favorite place. The purple flowers reminded me of Harry and that’s when I realize I didn’t tell him that he doesn’t have to pick me up for school today.

I wanted to run to Harry’s place, which was not far away from here, but I can’t resist the urge to just lay down with the flowers and stop thinking about everything. I took out my grey cardigan, and tried my best to fold it into a pillow. I laid down, looking at the grey sky. The sun is not peeking out yet, but I see some rays on the grass. Eventually, the sky will be brighter and the grass would have more sun glares, and perhaps, today could be a brighter day for me too. I closed my eyes, and went into a pretty deep sleep.

Harry’s POV

I’ve been standing outside of Ade’s house for 10 minutes now, where was she? I was going to give her something today, a mark for our first day together. I decided to knock on the door. Mrs. Fabre with red teary eyes opened it quickly.

“Harry… Adeliah is not here.” She said moodily.

“Do you know where she is, Mrs. Fabre?” I asked.

“To be honest, I don’t know where she is…Harry,” Mrs. Fabre sobbed, “I told her bad news this morning and she didn’t take it very well.”

My stomach tied into knots, I do not want anything to hurt my Adeliah when she’s in such state. I have an idea of where she might be.

“Mrs. Fabre, don’t worry. I will find her and bring her back home safely.”


And that was it. I headed off to our secret location in our park, hoping to find her there. As I got to the park, I ran straight to the purple flower ring, and there she was. Lying on the ground, sleeping. Sleeping?

“Adeliah… Wake up, Adeliah.” I whispered into her ear.

Her body jerked gently, “Go away.”

I chuckled lightly, “Baby, please wake up. It’s not safe for you to sleep here.”

She fluttered her eyes, she smiled. “Hi Harry.”

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