Chapter 2- Hidden Feelings

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Adeliah’s POV

Strangely, I did not have any nightmares last night. I’m more than excited today to go to school, which barely happens. I wanted to meet Harry, we haven’t seen each other for a whole weekend. My mom said boy best friends aren’t the type of best friends you want to be with. Someday, they’d hurry along with their sports team and act like a douche to impress all the cheerleaders. I thought about that but I quickly brushed it off, it’s a stereotype. And I hate stereotypes.

I spotted Harry and his flannel. He decided to wear a red plaid one today, he looks good in it. I waved to him, he came towards me with a smile.

“Hey Ade! How was your weekend?” He asked.

“It was okay.” I replied shortly. No, it was not, I spent a whole afternoon thinking about you.

He stopped by my locker, waiting for me to unpack my stuffs, organizing for the hectic day. “It wasn’t exciting, was it? Let’s go to Ben and Jerry’s after school.”

Ben and Jerry’s is my favorite to go for ice cream. They have these cool ice cream flavors that taste absolutely amazing.

“Sounds great. I’ll just go straight to your car.” I said.

He smiled, again. Lord, he really needed to stop. I have butterflies all over me.

“Okay! See you later Ade.” Harry said and walk into his class.

Harry’s POV

I knew something was up with Ade, she was acting strange this morning. Sometimes, I do get tired of her being so mercurial. It’s like she doesn’t know how much I care for her. We’ve been friends since forever, I know only her, and she only knows of me. I do have some people to have conversations with, but I would not consider them as friends. Since Ade and I were partnered up for the science project in grade six, I knew she would be my only true friend. We’re tenth-graders now, and my feelings have never changed a bit.

“Class, I’ve written our journal entry for the day on the board. You have a full period writing, I’ll be checking these later.” Ms. Swan, my Creative Writing teacher said.

I enjoy writing. It’s a way to express my feelings without actually have to deal with it. The journal entry for today is “Give a Definition for Love”. Now, that’s just cliché. However, as a writer, I sometimes do have wonders about the word love. Writers tend to have the need to have a definition to everything, I’ve always wanted to know what love is, I've never experienced it. Well, my family is an exception. My mind thought of Ade right away.  She is so troubled with herself, struggling to escape from herself and get back to the world. Perhaps that’s why I made friends with her, to offer a bit of my all-right self to her not-so-all-right self. Don’t worry Ade, I will always give you the love that you need.


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