Chapter 21- Promises

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Harry’s POV

It’s January 1st and today, I was going to do something very special for Ade. I was researching for my project and then I came across promise rings. Now, I thought about it promise rings are a huge commitment between two people, and you have to keep your promise, otherwise, it’s not going to be work.

Since we’ve been best friends for five years now, and dating for months, I thought I might give Adeliah promise rings. We’ve been so distanced to each other lately because of my practices, she has been feeling down lately for no reason, and we haven’t seen each other since Christmas.

The rings were laying on the table. Two silver bands, one thicker than the other. The thicker silver ring has a sun carved onto it, and the other one has a moon carved into it.

I’ve already told Ade to meet me at our secret location in the park. This is like asking her to be my girlfriend all over again, only this time, it was something way more important. This was a promise. What if she said it was too much and wouldn’t take the rings? Anything could happen, I was praying for the best.


When I arrived to the location, I saw Adeliah sitting on the grass, waiting for me. She looked so beautiful tonight.

“Hi Harry.” She smiled.

“Hello Adeliah.” I smiled back, and planted a kiss on her lips.

“So, I know I’ve been so busy these couple of weeks because of the show and everything. But now, I want to assure our relationship.” I said. My palms were getting sweaty because of all the nerves and my fear of her rejecting the rings.

I took out the rings out of my coat’s pocket, although I should have put them in a box. “You’re my girlfriend, but that’s not enough. I want you to be mine forever.”

Her eyes widened when she saw the rings. Fears crawled through my body again, but then I said the last part. “Will you be mine forever?”

Tears were escaping her eyes, as she held out her hand. “Yes, I will be yours forever, Harry.”

I smiled, relieved that she has accepted to be in this commitment with me. I put the ring with a crescent moon on her ring finger, as she put the ring with a sun on it on my ring finger.

“You’re my light, Harry. I love you.” She whispered and then pulled me in for a deep kiss.

“I love you too, Adeliah.” I returned the kiss back to her.

After the wonderful kiss, we laid down on the grass, watching the stars.

“Where would you want to go now, Harry?” She suddenly asked.

“Wherever you are.” I answered.

She smiled and then our lips were pressed together again.


Adeliah’s POV

After having our promise rings on our fingers, we headed home together. That night, Harry was sleeping over at my house. We both pouted when my mum said one of us has to go to sleep in the guest room. So then, I changed into pajamas and silently walked to my room.

I laid down on the bed, staring at absolutely nothing. He gave me a promise ring, and he put it on my finger! We had just a little bit more than one month and I accepted the promise ring. How stupid could I be? Commit to something I know that will eventually break in the end. Guilt rushed through me, I have to tell Harry as soon as possible. Just then, I heard quiet knocks on my door, and the door knob turned.

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