Chapter 18- Joys and Tears

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Harry’s POV

The first semester ended like a brief. I found myself somewhere at the beginning of December, it was two weeks before Christmas. It was also the Saturday where I and Adeliah planned to repaint my treehouse. I was sitting on the couch, watching the finale of the X-Factor. Possibilities fulfilled my mind. I love to be a performer, perhaps I could try and apply for this. But then I would have to face the audience… and him. Simon Cowell. The thought getting slammed down by one of the many remarks of Simon terrifies me. I have a huge fear of people disliking me and being humiliated, there was a huge chance of these two fears happening if I applied for the show.

But then, what if I got in? I would not be humiliated, instead I would get some name for myself. And I could be known and then I can do the things I love to do. I smiled to myself at the thought.

“Let me guess. You’re imagining you’re on the stage, aren’t you?” My mum said out of nowhere.

Besides Adeliah, my mum knows me best. I’m not going to lie, I’m a Mummy’s boy. She has helped me to go through things I thought I couldn’t go through at the time. She knows about my dreams of being an artist and making me happy. Maybe I should tell her. It’s now or never.

“Mum… I want to apply for this year’s X- Factor.” I exhaled heavily.

She widened her eyes for a bit, then smiled, “Then apply for it! What are you waiting for?”

“I’m just scared people will be making fun of me…” I trailed off.

Mum hugged me then said, “Then I’ll be right there for you.”

I smiled. “Thank you Mum. I’ll go and apply sometimes this week.”

“That’s my boy.”

I’m so lucky to have a supportive family. I think I have the full confidence to do this thing now. All I have to now is to tell Adeliah. I quickly sent her a message to her saying I’ll be waiting at her house at 2 in the afternoon. She replied back with a simple okay. I headed to the basement where all the paint was kept, and took two full cans of blue and white paint.

Adeliah’s POV

It was a Saturday and I received a message from Harry that he’ll be here at 2, so we could repaint the treehouse. I was very excited. My mum walked into my bedroom.

“Adeliah, I have something to tell you.” My mum said. Her voice sounded down, something was wrong.

“Okay mum. What is it?” I asked with full of concern.

“The company where I was working is expanding their branch into America.” She slowly explained, and I was figuring everything out.

“And?” I asked, desperately wanting her to continue.

“And I was asked to move there, too.”

Those words hit me hard. That means I would have to leave Cheshire and go somewhere completely new. What about Harry?

“Mum, you can’t. Things were starting to get better!” I said.

“I know Ade. But if I don’t go, I would lose my job and then we’ll have problems. You wouldn’t want that, would you?” She stroked my hair but then I shoved her hand away.

“When are we leaving?” I was praying that it won’t be anytime soon.

“The last day of February.”

My whole body tensed. I couldn’t even see straight anymore. It was December, I have three months. Three freaking months to tell Harry and spend time with him.

“Okay Mum.” I spoke quietly. A lump was slowly forming in my throat.

“Ade…” She said gently.

“No, don’t. Just please, can you leave me alone?” I said.

Mum pressed her lips on my head then said, “Yes, dear.” And the door was closed.

I cried all of my tears out. Getting used to my own hometown was not an easy task let alone a fucking country! I would be so far away from the person who I truly love so much. My tears were streaming like waterfalls when I thought of when I have to tell Harry. But we were so good together.

Time passed quickly and soon, it was 2pm. Harry was calling me. I took a deep breath and then answered shakily, “Hello?”

“Hey Ade. I’m at your door. Are you ready?” His voice was full of enthusiasm.

“Yeah. I’ll be down in a minute.” I hung up. I wasn’t ready at all.

I walked down to the door and said goodbye to my mum. I checked myself in the mirror once more to see if my eyes were revealing the fact that I cried. Fortunately, my eyes weren’t as red. I opened the door and was greeted by a happy Harry.

“I got an excited thing to tell you.” He said, kissing my cheek.

“What is it?” I asked curiously.

“I’ve decided to join the X- Factor next month!” He happily answered with a huge grin on his face.

Then, I knew today was not the day to tell him that I was leaving, so then I replied. “You’re going to be so great!”

My eyes were getting glossy again so I avoided eye-contact with Harry and carefully wiped away the forming tears with my hands.

“Hey… Is everything okay, Ade?”

I held his hands, “Yes Harry. I’m just so happy for you. Happy tears!” I faked a smile.

Harry put his arms around my waist. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you too.” I replied shakily.

We reached to the treehouse faster than I thought. I quietly opened the paint that Harry brought and paint the treehouse. “You’re being awfully quiet, Ade.”

“I’m concentrating, so I wouldn’t mess up like somebody.” My eyes glared to the door which Harry was painting it blue. The blue paint was everywhere and Harry looked like a smurf.

“Hey! I’m doing a pretty good job.” He furrowed his brows and his lips pouted.

We have three months together, and I’m going to make it worth it.

I came closer to Harry and leaned in, then I teased him by wiping the paint on his nose instead of kissing him.

“You’re so going to pay for this, Adeliah!” He said.

And then, he brushed his blue hands along my body and my face, turning me into another smurf.

“We’ve hit puberty in the land of smurfs!” I joked.

He laughed and then said, “We’re beautiful.”

After finishing painting the treehouse, we wrote “H and A’s” on the rooftop. Harry went all in and drew a heart around our first initials.

“Perfect.” I said.

“Perfect indeed.” He replied.

 And then we kissed each other.


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