Chapter 3- Little Compliments

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Adeliah’s POV

The day ended faster than I thought it would be. I’m quite happy to go to Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream with Harry this afternoon. It’s not like this is the first time I’ve ever hung out with him, something changes in me since that afternoon. I need to stop to think about the possibilities being with Harry.

I waited in his car, and there he was. Striding to the parking lot with his long legs and his brown boots, he looks absolutely stunning. The wind blew at his curly brown hair, he shoved them off to the side of his face.

“You need to cut your hair,” I said, giggling.

“Hmm, says the one who didn’t cut her hair since sixth grade.” He shot back instantly, his eyes teasing.

“I’m different! My hair grows slower and I’m a girl. I can keep my hair as long as I wanted it to be.”

“Well, I think males should have the freedom of hair growth too, don’t you think.” He smiled.

I rolled my eyes jokingly at him and he laughed.

As we arrived to Ben and Jerry’s, I have already picked my flavor. What can I say, I really love ice cream. I picked a Cookie Dough and Harry got a New York Chunk. Even though we were getting ice cream, I was feeling weird. I have tingles all over me, my face is hot from blushing too much. I hope Harry didn’t notice.

“Your face is red, are you okay?” He chuckled. His deep, sexy voice makes my face went from this beautiful peachy pink shade to this terrible tomato red shade.

“Yeah, it’s just hot.” Even though it was like 10 degrees and since we were in an ice cream shop, it’s even cooler.

I think Harry knows I’m attracted to him. Ade, must not show any kind of affection! Not here, not now, not ever.

Harry’s POV

Ade is flushing very hard, hm…There is something she’s not telling me. I’m not going to hide anymore, I like Ade. I've liked her since sixth grade. I always plan these hypothetical situations in my head where I would ask Ade out and she would somehow deny it. It’s been four years, and I can’t help being anxious around Ade. Things have gotten way more uncomfortable since she’s acting so weird this morning and now she’s flushing. Could she possibly have mutual feelings for me back? No, Harry. Stop thinking like this. I was not the type of guy who is good at relationships, for some reason, I just can’t open to people. Well, maybe some parts of me to Ade.

Ade’s beautiful, vulnerable, and very sensitive. I do not want to hurt her, not in any way ever. I’m just scared that someday, we have problems and we would never be friends again. I looked at Ade, none of us have said anything in the last five minutes.

“You look beautiful today.” I blurted out.

She flashed me a smile and replied with a thank you. After that, I decided to step up my game and tell her some jokes. People said my jokes are lame, but Ade laughs so hard at them. I don’t know if she’s faking it, I would be sad if she is but I like to make her laugh. I know she’s dealing with lots of stuffs and I’m glad I’m something she could hold onto while she’s at her most vulnerable state.

After a few jokes and lots of laughter, we headed home. I gave her a fast kiss on her forehead.

“You’re okay, right?” I asked, wanted to be assured. I feel like it’s my job to make she feels secure all the time.

 She nodded, hugged me and whispered, “As long as you are here, I’m fine.” 


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