Chapter 4- The First Kiss

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Adeliah’s POV

I was walking in my quiet neighborhood, enjoying the night breeze of fall. I’ve been eating, a walk wouldn’t hurt, or so I thought.

Then, I started to notice a guy was following me from behind, I assumed he was just another person who works out at night, but he kept on following me. I started to walk faster, he caught up with me and opened his phone. He showed me a video of a naked girl, and he asked me if this was me. I scrunched my face with disgust, terrified. I started to quicken my pace. I walked to a more crowded place, I breathed out a relief but, then the guy’s dark eyes returned.

“You could be this girl tonight, baby.” His voice spurred, my heart beats so loud that my ears were thumping along as well. I can hear every vascular pumping blood in my body.

“Go away!” I said, a bit too loudly. I just want to get home, I’m almost there.

I started half-jogging, my breathing is hard and rapid, and I felt light-headed. I turned back and I saw him still walking towards me. I spotted a bakery and walked in, hoping that he’ll lose me.

I entered the bakery and picked the farthest seat from the window, constantly looking out the door to see if that man comes again.

“Ade! What are you doing here?” A familiar voice asked and I looked up.

“Harry…Thank God.” My voice broke and I started sobbing.

“Hey, hey. Calm down, what happened?” His eyes looked so concerned, his face was slightly red.

“There…was someone….he was…showing me a video of a,” I sobbed, “A naked girl and he asked me if I could be that girl.”

I leaned into his broad shoulder, and cried the heart out of me. He rubbed soothing circles on my back.

“Shh…I got you Ade.” He pushed me into his chest and whispered into my ear.

Harry’s POV 

I was working at the bakery, it was my part-time job. I was checking a customer’s order in the bakery until I noticed a familiar girl walked in. She looks like Ade. I miss her now.

“Have a good night, sir!” I said politely to the customer.

He gave me a smile and walked out the door. Then, I started to look at the girl. Brown hair, pale skin, she is Ade! What is she doing here? She doesn’t look okay, is she okay? Questions were fulfilling my mind as I started walking to Ade.

“Ade! What are you doing here?” I asked calmly, even though I was going nuts inside.

“Harry…Thank God.” She said, and I knew something was very wrong.

Then, Ade’s voice broke and she started sobbing uncontrollably.              

“Hey, hey. Calm down, what happened?” I’m very scared right now.

“There…was someone….he was…showing me a video of a,” she sobbed, “A naked girl and he asked me if I could be that girl.”

I closed my eyes, controlling my fast breathing. Who would do such a thing? I swear to God, I’m going to break every damn bone of that bastard, he has no right to harass Ade.

Ade leaned into my shoulder, finding comfort. I started to rub my hands against her back, calming her down. “Shh…I got you Ade.”

At that moment, I said those words, words that should have been said a long time ago. “I love you.”

Adeliah’s POV

I was crying and then I heard those words.

“I love you.” He said.

Did…did Harry just say he loves me? No, I was having hallucinations.

“Baby, I love you.” He said again.

I looked into his mesmerizing green eyes, and I smiled my teary smile.

“Say that again.” I said, desperately wanting to hear those words again.

“I love you.” He repeated.

I leaned into him, as slow as possible and he gave me the most passionate kiss. All of my fears were gone, the creep was no longer an existence in my mind, it was all about Harry.

“I love you too.” I said, still dazed from the kiss.

 He was my first kiss, and it was exactly what I’ve wanted. 


A/N: I got chills writing this chapter. Hope you guys liked it! 

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