Anti-Void Surprise

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(Hi yes it's me I'm back, this is posted on the 29th so this is just an early Happy Pride Month to my fellow gays and theys! Also since we are close to Pride Month please use They/Them pronouns when talking about me in the comments {if you ever do}, now to le onek shot)

Third Pov:

Ink and Error were making our in the Anti-Void, they were both clueless about if someone was going to come there. But they both knew that, they prayed that no one came there.

After a while things started to get heated between Ink and Error, Error started pushing his hands up to Ink's chest and rubbing his thumbs around Ink's stomach. When Error did this it made Ink start to fall limp, only because when Error rubs him there he starts to purr.

It was going the way Error wanted where nobody was coming in the Anti-Void and Ink is slowly slipping down to a sub that can only beg for more to happen to them, till a magical Poof of rainbows happened and someone shouted.

"Hey my radical broski and his radical gender fluid lover!" (If you couldn't tell who this is you live under a fucking rock, so best and go watch the momma CQ comics again)

Ink and Error both look surprised at Error's brother turning up with Pride flags of many, sexualities and gender shit even some of how they fall in love or how many people they are willing to date. Ink was the first to speak after them being surprised.

"Could have you came any other day then TODAY!" Ink was pissed at this mystery figure that Error was related to, that dressed in mostly neon clothes with black glasses that displayed the words 'Yolo' on it.

"Fresh, you know Pride Month doesn't start till June first, correct? And Ink please don't yell at my brother." Error tried to get Ink to calm down as he was waiting for an answer from Fresh, to most belief Error in this Au doesn't hate Fresh and think he is a parasite, he thinks of him as his little brother (twin brother) he knows that Ink hates him, but it's been so long since the accident happened, so he didn't see why Ink was still holding a grudge after how much Fresh tried to make it up to Ink.

"I just wanted to deliver these Flags to you so you can have them for Pride Month early Broski!" This time when talking Fresh had a more chill and not 90s style of talking he usually has, Fresh only does this when close to Ink because he tries his very best to get on Ink's good side for a moment.

After Fresh said that he handed Ink and Error their Pride flags; Polysexual and Demisexual. Then he handed their respective flags that belonged to themselves, Error getting a Demi-Boy flag and Ink getting a genderfluid flag.

(HAPPY EARLY PRIDE MONTH MOTHERFUCKERS, I know I've already said this but I'll do it again, I have a few headcannons in here, is 1. Error used to hate Fresh when they were younger {up until they were 15} and 2. Error and Fresh are twins {I don't know if they Cannonlly are} and so is Ink and Pj {Ik that they are really not, but I ship paperfresh so I wanted it to check out without and 'Sweet home Alabama' moments.} Word count to day is 593 words in this chapter {I've improved})

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