A Beginning of an New World

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(I wanted to thank Hopetalesans14 for giving me this chapter name, I asked them to do it after I've talked with them in the comments, soon finding them/her/him talking with me in my messages. Also there will be some headcannons here, I'll explain at the end!)

Third Pov:

A human has fallen down into one of the many Aus, but this human has fallen into Uniquetale a tale where some of the strongest version of Undertale characters reside, including King Multiverse's Court. Well what little of it is anyways, this is when the underground first got it's first few inhabitants. Only Undertale and Uniquetale existed. The few that were  there was Gin, Kin, Clever(Gaster), Design(Mettaton), Entropy(Flowey), Spartan(Undyne), Skit(Alphys), Thorns (Asgore),  Peace(Toriel), determination (Frisk), and Hate(Chara). There are 2 more that you may know, Ink and King Multiverse(Nickolas), but there are 3 more you must know. Nathan Multiverse;King Multiverse's twin brother, and their wives Jade Multiverse(Wish), and Jasper Multiverse(Wish).

Jade's Pov:

I watched as my 2 boys played with their cousins, Ink. Ink is my older sister's youngest child, I can't exactly call Ink my niece or nephew because Ink is genderfluid, and I've been bother on how to tell people Ink is well my sister's child without making it complicated. I was standing in our balcony, as I felt two big arms rap around my waist.

"Hello Nat, what do you need?"

"Tell me what's been bothering you so much. I can see it in your eyes Darlin'."

"Oh, well I don't know what to call Ink, since well, Ink is genderfluid."

"Oh, hunny Ink doesn't care what you call him, you can use niece or nephew for Ink."

"Oh, well, that's good to know." Nathan just stands with me, nuzzling his face into my neck, I love when he is happy. I go back to watching the children, to see Ink fall flat in her face, and starts crying. I see Gin rush to console Ink, I can here Ink whimper for someone named 'Error' that I don't recall knowing.

"Nathan, who is Error?"

"Error? I've haven't heard his name be mentioned in a while, why do you ask?"

"Well I saw Ink fall flat on her face and start crying and when Gin went to console Ink she whimpered out the name 'Error'."

"Oh, well Error is Ink's Husband, he'd always console Ink when he needed it. Always has cared for him, loved, and adored him since the day that Ink was shorter then Error."

"Aww, he sounds so sweet!"

"He is sweet, but I did catch him once having sex with Ink, and Error was being bottomed!"

"Wait he was! But Ink is so short!"

"Well Ink is a switch, and Error likes to make Ink happy." I sat there is disbelief that Error would allow that, then again, I bottom this man's ass daily.

Suddenly I heard my bedroom door swing open and Kin came in.

"Mom! There is another fallen human, at least I think, they seem to have a darker skin tone then other colored people,"(I hope I'm not offending anyone, I just am tryin to explain it the best was I can! 😅) "And they ran to Ink, but Gin is protecting Ink!"

"What? We must go and see who ran to Ink!"  All of us sprint to Ink, but when we got down into the field Infront of the house, we saw Ink hugging the stranger protectively! We saw that Gin couldn't do anything since Ink was in the way, using her tail and wings to cover them, but then we heard Ink speak.

"Don't you dare hurt him! I refuse to see a mark on him! If any of you hurt him I'll have your HEAD!"  All of us stared at Ink in disbelief , not only was Ink being protective over the person but, she also cared more about them than us! Her own family! But then we all heard the stranger talk.

"Ink, please don't be hard on them, they are your family, you should care about them more then me." Ink suddenly unfolded her wings and slapped the man across the face.

"ERROR you DUMB FUCK! Of course I'll go with you first because you're my husband, I love you." Ink said this and we surprised, that we attack Error.

"Error? How are you down here?"

"I don't know,I just followed a flower."

"I mean how did you get into the underground?"

"I said I don't know, I just followed a flower here!"

"HOW!? Flowers don't move unless you are talking about Entropy!!!"

"Uncle he must be talking about a Daisy with rainbow petals, PJ cursed me to go to the farthest checkered poinsettia patch, so that's how he got here."  Everyone stared at Ink with a 'wat 😶' face. ( this is how it would sound


"Wellllll, I do know one thing! 🎶It's a whole new world~~~~~🎶"

Third Pov:


"Sorry, Kitten, I just can't help it!"

"You are so disappointing, Error."


*More auguring ensues*


"So my diggity darn amazing nieces and nephews from my radical broski and his genderfluid lover, do they always be finghtin' or it's just outta da Azul moon?"

"No, they always fight like this, nothing out of the blue Uncle Fresh." All of the children that Ink and Error had (including the adopted and kids that Ink had from other men)

(Okay, okay! I'm here now! So first things first, the headcannons!

1. Ink has an older cousin, which is Gin but Kin was born 2 years after Ink.

2. I gave King Multiverse a twin because in their family tree (that I made) is infamous for having twins.

3. Ink had 2 kids from an ex, and 2 more after being raped

4. I gave both of the kings wives because of being inspired by a YouTube creator of the name Imrandom, lovely YouTuber I think she is on her.

5. PJ was bloody jealous of his twin and cursed Ink to when he had a really bad crisis happened to him [falling, being crushed, eaten{no not being ate out, you fucking dirty sinners} etc.] Any type of way Ink's body has most of it missing.

We are coming to an end of this chapter, and my headcannons so I shall tell you the word count, it is 1100 words ya bitch)

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