Filler for my absence

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Third Pov:

"Ink my love~!" Chirped a very happy man as he opened Ink's art room door. He was happy for one reason and one reason only; he got to work near Ink.

"Yes Darling?" Ink responded back, while painting. The painting was Ink and Error walking along the shoreline, Ink in a beautiful yellow and Purple dress.

 The painting was Ink and Error walking along the shoreline, Ink in a beautiful yellow and Purple dress

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(It looks much better in person, btw I didn't draw the person, just used it to draw the dress.)

While Error had a Red turtleneck on with black cargo shorts, and his scarf, like usual.

"I GOT THE JOB!" The man said with a smile, he was happy he got to be the King's scientist, not any King but KingMuiltverse! Ink turned the chair around and sprang up at the man, fall into his chest giving a hug.

"You did it Error! I'm so proud of you!" Ink sang, Ink and Error would always congratulate each other for their progress, they both done this for ages, they've done many other things too
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Many think that Ink would shoot error twice if he had 2 bullets and was in a room with Error, Adolf Hitler, and Joseph Stalin; and vise versa. But they are wrong, if they were told they had to spend the rest of their lives with someone in a reaction room ( Gacha reference ) they would pick each other. They have very good trust in each other.

Ink has trust issues, so does Error. To have trust in each other is insane. It's hard for many to believe, especially Dream. That's why only Killer, Cross, and Blue knows about their marriage. Killer being adopted by the couple, Cross is Ink's younger brother, and Blue, he caught them making out, though he doesn't see any issue; being the fact that Error and Ink got Married when they were 65.

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