Mama Inky Revamp!

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(I wanted to give you this; the continuation of Mama Inky by PastelCougar because it was sadly discontinued! Also pls read to Og one before you read this to understand; but I'mma start off where the book was left off at! But I will be changing to format for the sake of my sanity- also, this may have a slight hint of Errorink; because...., it's an Errorink-oneshot book.

Edit: I also wanted to add Coco; made by Skully-The-Author I'm aware that they have left this acc and went on to a alt. But I still wanted to credit them. I loved their work and you should check em' out! And Skully; if you ever read this please know that you were one of the creators on here that inspired me to do what I do today :> )

After little Fray was brought into the family and the announcement of the twins; god they are so cute. I've seen Error lately be more.... How do I put it? Rather careful around me and the babies. Sure I don't mind him holding any of them; he made them little teddies and he always seems to get those 3 to fall asleep quickly. Fray learnt that Error was PJ's and Gray's father and got the idea Error was also his father. Reaper doesn't mind it at all; Error, well he freaked out about it. So did I, I may or may not have punched him. I totally did; I almost broke one of his ribs. He was understanding, spite the fact I punched him. Gray was laughing at the fact Fray call Error 'Dadda' and PJ was a little jealous; he really shouldn't because Error loves PJ the most out of them all; Gray is in second place.

"Ink, you alright? You've been spacing out."




"Okay...., but seriously; are you good?"

"I'm fine Error; and weren't you with the twins?"

"They're in their cribs."

"Okay, could you get the rest of the kids here; I'm going to start making dinner, you can eat with us if you'd like"

"Sure, Fray is somewhere in the house; not sure where though."

"𝙸'𝚖 𝚠𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚠𝚎!"

"Fray! Get down from there, you could hurt yourself!"

"𝙰𝚕𝚠𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝." We so need to work on the pronunciation of words with 'R's in them.

"Okay, c'mer." Fray flown into my arms, his white feathered wings felt like so soft; like an owl's. You're a cute little thing Fray. "Fray; I need to put you down."

"𝙽𝚘, 𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚐𝚘!"

"Pretty please let go; I need to make food, and Error is-"

"𝙾𝙷𝚃𝙰𝚈! 𝙸'𝚕𝚕 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚐𝚘!" Fray, you little cute flower. I cannot even believe that Error can so 'no' to Fray.


"Waaa!" And the twins are awake, fuck. I walked to their room, their bedroom was all pastel; It was Pal, Print, and PJ's old room. Once Moku, Gray, and Stain moved out I gave them their own rooms. I had to clear another room out for Fray. The twins were my and Killer's; it happened while the kids brought me over to the castle. Their names are Dove and Raven; Dove has bones like mine and Killer's, but..., Raven has bones like Error's. It was confusing but I found out it was some leftover code from when I was made.

"I gotcha little birds." I picked both of them up and walked down stairs again. Once I got down I saw Error the P triplets were sat down at the table and Fray was clinging onto Error's pant leg. "Error; come help me."

"Alright; Fray, can you please let go?" Fray let go and Error grabbed Raven, he put Raven down in her highchair. While he did that I pit Dove in her highchair. We all started to eat, until PJ asked what's with Error still being here. It struck Error odd and I gave a look.

"Ma? What's with the look?"

"You've never acted like that to your father before." I could see how uncomfortable Error was with the issus. He was sat next to me because I usually feed Dove and Raven at the same time, so I grabbed his hand lightly but yet firmly. He let this happen and squeezed my hand.

"Just.... I feel like I'm not his favorite kid; even if I am one out of two of them." Error looked towards PJ in shock after what he stated, and I looked down at my lap. I had no idea what to do because it was between him and Error. He saw how I felt and squeezed my hand again.

"PJ, I would not love you or Gray any less then your other siblings." I see now, Error loves my kids. And I loved him for it.

The rest of the meal was quiet, besides the twins. Dove kept whinning about 'Dada' and Raven kept signaling that she wanted me; so we swapped the kids instead, it got a giggle out of me. Print and Pal chuckled at the scene too. PJ was the only one that was silent. PJ excused himself early and went to bed, soon followed by Fray. Pal and Print stayed up a little longer just to talk to me and Error, then headed to bed shortly after. Now it was the twins and my sanity. Getting both to bed took an hour.., an hour of singing lullabies. My throat hurt, and Error was still here. He made me tea, gawd if someone told me that he's the god of destruction right now; I wouldn't believe them. I sat in the kitchen while drink tea; and Error went to read.

After I finished I clean the cup; then went to my living room where Error was. I was sleepy and sat next to him, I leaned onto Error; and he freaked out a bit. He was blushing pretty hard, haha, he looks like the sun! "Why you blushin'?" And I set that serotonin off in his brain, oh, he put his book down and pulls me close to him.

"Now; cutie, today is not the day. And I am not the man to mess with."

"Oh, that's hot.." I was blushing when he pulled me closer, I put my hands on his chest. I put my head on his chest, too. I let Error kiss my forehead, I looked up to him. "How do you think the older three will take my relationship?" I looked back down. He kissed me again and lifted my head back up.

"Well, they're going to have to deal with it, Sugar." I giggled and hugged Error. He hugged me back and nipped at his shoulder. We just cuddled. More than I expected, we cuddled until 11:30. Stain and Gray are 20, and Moku is 19. They've never really liked Error; Moku liked him the most, even if Gray was his child. Stain and Gray got better with the fights after Error remmed them out for scaring their younger siblings and with me almost having a break down.

But Error was right; they would have to deal with it. I've done everything I could to keep them happy, now it was their turn to make their old mom happy. One way they do is by visiting me every other day. Coco; Gray's boyfriend isn't too happy about him doing it, but it's Gray's choice. Stain often hangs out with Assy, and Moku hangs in the Omega-timeline with Core and everyone else without a home.

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