Beautiful Curses pt 2

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(Pls don't ask about my camera roll- I screenshot a lot of weird shit also fun fact: Did you know, Comyet, Ink sans's creator is quite fond of the ship Errorink. Fact check me idc I read about it on her tumblr. I also have it saved so I can go back to it-

Also um, there will be some fish head; Sea and Yen, pls don't die from the horrid lewd scene I wrote-)

It's been a few years since me and Ink have reunited. We have been quite feral; to my crew's account. The first time Ink saw us battle another pirate ship; he clinged on to my back and started smacking the enemy crew with his tail! It was super funny, the enemy ship freaked out because there was a siren and two mixed sea creatures & Ink was being a little shit by being hella cocky.

Ink would also pluck his scales off; the most shiny ones, to make me a necklace. They did grow back even shiner; they glow rainbow in the dark. This is the funny thing about Ink being a siren; they are bioluminescent. We went to a aquarium and Ink jumped in a darker tank, before hand we did ask the staff if Ink could. Ink glowed a rainbow color, it was beautiful. Ink's skin also glowed some too. I got a painting of Ink with his beautiful scales glowing.

"Baby you looked so beautiful with your scales glowing." I said rather groggily, I did just wake up. Ink popped out of the tank he sleeps in now. (The same one I had Ink stay in while healing)

"No, I looked so ugly!"

"Babyyyyy~, rainbow looks so good on you!" Ink whinned at me and came out of the hatch and pulled a towel off to dry himself off and pulled himself up on my, well it's ours now; bed.

"Whatever you say dearie, when are we going home though?"

"Mhm, in a weekish? There's no guarantee."

"Okay love," Ink crawled into my lap and layed down on me, "I love you so much, you're so precious!" My, my, Ink is very needy in the mornings and cuddled even closer to me. I rubbed Ink's hips and kissed his forehead.

"Likewise; my dear," Ink giggled and tugged on my undershirt. "Why, do you want my shirt off?"

"I wanna see your abs, they are so pretty!"

"Okay, move so I can take my undershirt off." Ink did and moved down, while I was pulling my undershirt off I could feel Ink messing with my shorts. "Ink the hell? Are you wanting dick that bad!"

"I don't just want your cock, I want it to fill me with semen; so we can have children." I finally took off my undershirt and grapped Ink's hands before he did anything. Ink snarled at me and flicked his tail up in the air.

"Hush, you can get this dick later. Now come here and let me cuddle your fish-ass." Ink didn't complain much and hugged me again.

Me and Ink were started to fall asleep, at first I was scared Ink might get hurt because his tail will dry out. But Ink said he would be okay. God I love him so much, he's perfect in everyway.

The way his scales glistened in the light, the way he seems to do everything perfectly, the way he curls the 'r's in my name, the way, the way he seems to always call me love in many different languages. My favorite is in french, such a lovely way to say 'my love', it makes my heart melt.

"Error, Error baby, you're zoning out again." Oh, I spaced out, again. I chuckled lightly, rubbing Ink's scaled waist. Ink curled closer to me, if it was even possible.

I was feeling different about what I said earlier, Ink's sweet voice and curvy body was becoming irresistible. I didn't mean to, but I couldn't fully control my body; I touched Ink's tail in a really sensitive spot.

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