Beautiful curses

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(I feel like some can guess what this is based off of. ALSO SCREW IT, I'N DOING MULTIPLE PARTS)

"A song of sorrow and pain was sung by a beauty; nobody has gotton a picture of this beautiful creature. Nobody knew anything about the beauty, not even what it looked like. Until one day, they captured the creature; god the creature was stunning but the song was a horrid one, lurring men and women to their death in the lake it was forced to reside in. 'They'll come for you!' The creature always spat at the people who made sure it couldn't escape. One day the creature was right; many creatures came out of the water, and murdered everyone in the town, they resused that beauty and took them back. Everyone across the world named them as Mermaids and Sirens. The Mermaids were ones who stole things from others but the Sirens were more dangerous. They murdered others. Everyone was very fearful of these creatures; anyone who captured them was rewarded with luxury. But one day; they all fell off the face of the earth. Anyone who finds them now are given everything they ask for." I told my crew, they oowhed and awwhed at my story. I was loved this story because it was true, I've met one before. He was my best friend, we would always hang out by the shore of my old kingdom. Until they found our meeting spot, they tried killing him but before he left he told me one thing; 'I will come for you again.' And I always try to get to that spot on the day we had to leave each other behind. But I never saw him yet.

My crew was a jumbled mess: Nightmare is my Quartermaster, and Boatswain, jesus fuck; and my Sailing Master. I can't trust nobody else him because he's the only one who can scare the absolute shit out of everyone but can still be a sweetheart when needed. This is why he's my second best friend.

Killer is my Master gunner, and Gunner; he can murder any ship with his bloodlust and cold and shallow tactics, but he can be the sweetest to his bunnies, and being the only person who can calm Nightmare after someone woke him up from his well deserved sleep.

Horror is my Master-at-arms, he's brutal in hand-to-hand combat; using ambushing as his main way to fight; but he's the definition of a teddy bear. He is a cook when I don't, sir makes good-ass food.

Fresh is a powder monkey; it's a funny name but it's true. He can keep a hold over our gunpowder and anything else that we keep a good supplies on. My little brother always has the funniest combacks when Dust tries to give a good reason why Fresh should not be in the crew. But I promised ma to look after him.

Dust is a cabin boy; him and Frsh used to have the others' job but Dust hid my necklace. I almost killed him for that. So I gave him this job to be spitful.

Cross is my lookout and Helmsman. Cross and Nightmare always bicker; but it's hella funny, those two fight with each other like siblings. Cross was the closest to Dream in personality, Nightmare has always treated him as a little brother. It's honestly adorable.

Fell is my Blacksmith, he can work metals like nobody else. Him and Reaper always bicker over funny shit too, but it's funnier because the pretend-fight. Everyone uses them as entertainment when we go off into the sea for more than 3 days. They always find some way to piss each other off.

Reaper is my Carpenter; him and Fell work together all the time, their bond came from working on the repairs of many things. They also know how to party well too.

And I'm the Captain and Surgeon, I can be a badass: told by my crew. With a soft side for animals and the arts. I often am asked to play my violin and clairanet. The stupid trio (Dust, Killer, and Horror when left to their own deveices,) Reaper, and Fell always wanted to hear my violin skills while Cross and Nightmare prefer my clairanet, maily because they play violins themselves. But Fresh likes my piano skills, he's the only person other than Geno and Ma who knows I play a piano. I have one in my house, I hide it in my office because I'm embarrassed about it. I also sew, crochet, and knit.

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