Error wtf 😩

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(Edit: there will be a touchy topic in this one-shot; and I have to change the names of 2 people)

Ink's Pov:

I was looking for Error, my beloved, handsome husband. He was nowhere to be found, legit I couldn't find he I asked all 8 of my kids and my 6 grandkids since my youngest, Paint came to visit. But no one knew, so I went to my room, to find Error reading a book!

"Error where THE FUCK have you been! I've been looking for you all damn day!" I knew I barked at Error but who could blame me for that!

"Love, I know your mad, but right now is not the time." Error said this in a soothing tone, he knew that tone calmed me even when I was ready to chop off his dick, if I do I'll miss the sex tho.

"What do you mean now is not the time!" I said grumbling waiting for a response.

Error's pov:

Ink just stormed in and yelled at me, and I think I made him even madder by what I said, I had to respond to a raging forest fire and if I didn't, Ink would kill me.

"Corinthian just sent a letter about how you were...., were a cheating snake and that you came on to him." It was so hard to say that sentence, I knew Ink would be furious, he knew that wasn't what happened, and I knew what happened too. Corinthian raped Ink, my Ink, while he picked apples at their apple orchard of golden and midnight black apples, also known as positive and negative apples.

"He sent you this? This motherfucker thinks he can lie to you, he is such a snake! He cheated... h-he cheated on Zendaya, EVEN WHEN HE HAD KIDS WITH HER, ONE I TEACH!" Ink yelled loudly, then he snapped, not where he started to say he would beat Corinthian's ass, that what I'll do, then leave he to be killed by Dove.(that's a nickname Error gave Ink) Ink broke down, it broke my heart seeing him cry like that, so I got up and hugged him.

The air's Pov:

Error whispered to Ink sweet nothing, as you dirty sinners like to call it, I'm mainly calling Lost_in_a_void out, making them fuck that Ink could not walk for a week without hurting, meh poor baby. And I don't care if your wall just broke, here's some flex tape. Anyways back to what we were doing. Error did everything thing in his power to stop Ink from crying, but Ink was a dam that just broke, tears of all colors and black streamed down his cheeks, along with an occasional diamond or 2, when Ink cries it's painful to see and hear, not to us but to Ink too, when he cries diamond it hurts his eyes making them sting, it is temporary blinding when this happens, but Ink wasn't crying because of what he was called he was crying because he knew that Thoughts got him pregnant, that Memories would hate him, how Nightmare would find out his former babysitter and now teacher was going to give birth to his half siblings, Ink guaranteed that they were twins, Ink always gave birth to twins, but once and only once so far Ink gave birth to a stillborn. He was kicked in the stomach when pregnant with his youngest daughter. At the time of the pregnancies Ink was in his girl form, Ink was genderfluid. But for now, Ink was a broken mess of pain and guiltiness.

(This was sadder then my other ones I've done, but that's not the point, so small headcannon of mine is Dream's and Nightmare's parents were named Corinthian and Zendaya Jokublog, they were forced to marry, Corinthian had liked Ink since they've met, And Ink and Error are older than everyone else in like the multiverse {sides most of the people in King Multiverse court, talk more about his court later} and like when the get trapped in the underground this is like way in the future, word count 691)

Errorink oneshots for the soulTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon