Chapter 3

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get used to art for every chapter btw :)


Brit POV:

I look down at my phone and see that the time reads {09.43}. This is gonna last forever, what can I do that will pass the time?

After a few moments of no thoughts, I remember when I said that I should google how to make friends, might lighten my mood.
I pick up my phone, and click on google, typing in the words "How to make a friend?"

I scroll for a bit sinse I wasn't really finding anything useful and stop at the section that said:

How to start a friendship:

1. Start the conversation. When you're with someone you'd like to know better, start a conversation. ...

2. Show interest. Even if you're just meeting someone, you can make them feel comfortable by asking the right questions and being a good listener. ...

3. Smile. ...

4. Share. ...

5. Do a small favor. ...

6. Keep it going.

(I definitely didn't go onto google to find that. God my search history must seem like I'm lonely.)

Is that actually how friendships work? Is it that easy?
I wanted something to laugh at.

Reluctantly, I put into google the words "how to get a bf?"

I scroll to see a tonne of dating sites, and acc tips on how to get a boyfriend until I stop to realise; 'my search history must look like I'm a psychopath trying to reconnect with society.'

I put my phone down, not bothering to turn it off and carry on looking out the window. We're alot closer to the city now actually.

I look down at my phone again and pick it up to message Norway.

Nor, where do you live again?

Out of context that sounds
really wierd.

I'm aware, but seriously, I'm not
looking around the city,
randomly knocking on people's
doors to find you.

Haha, it's 50 Suck Your
Mum Road.

Alright, thank youuu.

See you later.

Bye bye.


I jump to the sound of someone shouting that we have reached the city.
Damn, I don't know what to do. DBIDHDDUBDHF, help no, no no, I can't just ask a random stranger to politely throw me off a bridge, I'll just power through until I get to Norways.

I take out my phone and open google maps.
'Thank god it's not too far from here.'

I put my phone in my pocket while I get my suitcase and get off the train.
City air is really not as nice as back home.

But I guess you get used to it after a while. I slightly look up to see the massive buildings infront of me.
'Now whats the need for them?'

One building in particular catches my eye; a white and blue sky scraper? I think, it looked a bit different from the others, but you know, can't judge them off of appearance.
I wonder who works there.

I take my phone out my pocket and start heading towards Norways house.
I don't try to greet anyone on the way, like what I would do at home, sinse everyone just looks miserable.
How bad can this place actually be.

I stop to face a small house it seems to have nothing blocking the view of the mountains.
Good pick, Norway.
It looked fairly old, like owner like house, I guess.
Don't tell Norway I said that, she'd batter me.

I step into the front garden, and was a couple feet away from the door when it opened to reveal, Norway.

"Hallo, Britain, come inside." she says enthusiastically.
"Hi, Norway, thank you for letting me stay here."
"It's not a problem, it's nice to help people."

"even if those people are soon to be family?"

As soon as Nor said that, I hear little taps on the floor and turn to see, her dog; A male black norwegian elkhound named Bane.

I gesture for him to come over.
"hiii, Bane"
I say as if he can say hi back.

"How is it possible that he gets fluffier everytime I see him?"

Norway slightly chuckles before answering, "he doesn't, you just haven't seen him in ages."

"just so you know, the main reason I agreed to this was so I could see Bane again."
"Fair enough."

After a couple hours of talking, Norway showed me a very much unneeded tour of the house, sinse it hadn't changed from the last time I've been here, but she did show me the room I'll be staying in last so I didn't have to walk much to unpack here when the tour ended.
'cheers, Norway.'

"oh, also, you are going to school on Monday." she says before leaving the room.

Once again, I'm left to my thoughts.
God, I forgot school existed, that could be really helpful when I'm trying to make new friends.
(And bf😏)

I check my phone and the time read {15:02}
Wait, didn't realise it was pride tomorrow.

Hopefully I'm able to meet other lgbt friends, so I'm not completely the odd one out, but you know, beggars can't be choosers. (<-- that doesn't look right, is it right?)


DBDIBDBX, I can't believe how quickly I'm writing these, I'm on chapter 3 already damn, it took like 373834683 months to get the chapter 3 on my {In love with a russian girl} book.

Which, I might think about redoing actually, might be easier to get into the flow of it.

Anyways, I love you all, bye bye.

word count- 922

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