Chapter 22

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no idea what to write about, AGAIN.
I went to a friend, they helped.

Remember to check if you've read the other chapters.

Brit's POV:

The rest of the evening went by in a stream of pure happiness and laughter till our sides hurt.
It was enjoyable, but like all good things, it must come to an end.
"awwhh, do you have to gooo." Whined Portugal with a tight hug.

Me and my lover say our goodbyes and leave the cafè hand-in-hand; me slightly leaning against him as it was late and I was tired.

He looks down at me with loving eyes while he wraps one of his arms around my shoulders, bringing me closer.
"this is such a nice break after the war."

I nod in agreement, but decide to bring up a previous conversation;
"hm, we better make the most of it if there's gonna be another war."
"no 'W' word"
"Wha- you said the 'W' word"
He just playfully shushes me while placing his index finger on my lips.

I just chuckle and roll my eyes equally as playful; taking his hand in my own again and kissing his cheek, causing him to turn a darker shade of red.

We reach the tram, board said tram and seat ourselves in two of the many empty seats available.
Because of it being so late, there were barely anyone on the public transport, leaving it almost deathly silent.

To respect the silence, Soviet just lets me cuddle up to him while he stares out the window, observing the surroundings.
I get this feeling of being watched, but just brush it off. I'm in public afterall, of course people would watch me.

Nearing the end of our rather short tram journey, Sov nudges me slightly, causing me to look up and realise we were close to our stop.
That stupid feeling doesn't subside, but again we're in public so I brush it off.

Us two and a few others exit the tram, walking in different directions, some, like us, walked in groups. Only one walks in the same direction as us, failing miserably to keep out of our, well atleast my, line of sight.
They still keep a decent distance behind us.
"do you see them too?"

Soviet gives me a puzzled look but discreetly looks over his shoulder, "Да, I swear they were at the cafè aswell."
Maybe it's just coincidence, but it's still pretty odd.
"You think it's a country or human?"
"human, definitely human, a country would probably go into an animal form to follow someone."

I think about the situation for a moment.
"maybe it's just a coincidence?"
He looks at me thoughtfully for a few seconds, but shakes his head.
"probably not, but what can we do, let's just get home quickly."

As I'm pretty tired and can't really be bothered to deal with anything, I agree.

We speed walk back to the building, and down the hall to our apartment. Soviet goes to unlock the door, but is surprised to see it already unlocked.
Did we forget to lock it? No, we didn't, I think.

Eh, I'm honestly too tired to remember.

Cautiously, he pushes open the door, and surveys the room, noticing there was nothing out of the ordinary aside from a piece of paper placed on the coffee table.
He picks up the paper and has a relieved smile after a while of examining it.
I'll check what it is in the morning.

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