Chapter 8

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on tram lols, also if you were interested in the Brits day ^^

Zoom in to read 'highlighted' bits.

Next day lol.

Brits POV:

Portugal has been acting very strange for the last few weeks, same with China and Japan actually. I wonder what they're up to.

Meh, I can't be bothered to think that much into it, maybe they're planning something for a teacher.
Maybe for Mr Adavadaca, he's nice.

I walk into geography and sit in my seat next to Portugal.
"Hi, Port, your early for once."
"only because it's one of my favourite lessons."

"shush history person."
We laugh slightly, before Portugal starts speaking again.

"alright, so, I need to know, what do you feel like when you're around Soviet?"
I am visibly confused.
"like a friend does??"

"no, like what do you feel like."
I take a moment to think about what she's saying. What I feel like??
What's that even supposed to mean?
Why are we talking about this?

Okay, Ima try think though, should I tell her my stomach hurts slightly every time I see or think of him, but it's not a bad pain, it feels, nice almost.
Should I tell her about the fact everytime he talks I feel a bit warmer, althought that might just be a warm room.

Should I tell her how I always look forward to seeing him.
That's just normal friend stuff though? I think.

I explain to her all the above, (too lazy to write it out lol) and everytime I say something new her smile gets bigger and bigger, until I say
"but that's just normal friend stuff."

She lets a massive dissapointed sigh, before saying
"okay, we're lucky we have a good teacher because otherwise I wouldn't be able to talk to you at all, but do you feel that way with me?"

Is this a questionnaire? will she be hurt if I say no?
I think about it a bit more before slowly replying with ""

She smiled slightly, 'okay, progress'
"right, have you ever liked someone, not in a friend/family way?"
"what other ways are there-"

"oh- of course you're dad wouldn't allow you to have a partner, he wouldn't allow you to have a friend. what was I thinking." she lightly face palms.
"partner as in science partner?? or something else."

"alright, what are your parents to each other."

She tries to hold in her laughter but fails miserably.
"no-" she wipes a tear from her eye "as in, why- you know, did they ever tell you how babies are made."

"yeah, ireland told me, Sexually Escalated Xylophobia. (<-- what I call it)"
"ah, and why do you think people do that?"
I feel like I'm not getting something. Damn, I hope noone listens in, that's gonna be awkward on my part.

"because they were really good friends?"
She sighs again.
"we're pretty good friends wouldn't you say?"
"of course, best friends."

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