Chapter 27

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I'm trying to make up for the lack of chapters for so long with a bunch of chapters now, can you tell??

Remember to check if you've read the other chapters. :)


Sov's POV:

It's been a few months sinse the 'war' had started; these meetings are becoming so much more irritable.
But thankfully, China's joining me today after the communist revolution in her country.

Brie had moved into Scotland's house about a week after the first meeting, and fuck do I miss him. We do see each other sometimes, but it's not the same as when we lived together.
And now it's with 'supervision' because they didn't trust Britain enough to not have a tracker on him at all times.

He has tried taking it off, but he found out fairly quickly that it wasn't necessarily a physical tracker, but one that the UN had implimented. Using what I assume was magic? But I'm not entirely sure.

Ugh, and that NATO is really annoying, but I guess I would say that about a rival.

I'm leaning against my designated seat, flicking through some notes from the previous meeting that one of the humans had written.
I have tried getting their names, but they wouldn't tell me, which is odd, but eh, if it's what they wish.

The door creaks opens and China walks in, closely followed by Britain who just speed walks past us and goes to his designated seat.
That's been a thing we've been doing recently, not talking to each other in the presense of America or NATO. As much as it hurts, it's what's needed to be done.

I put the notes back down on the table and face China,
"you're late."

Confused, she looks at her watch, and then back up at me, "I'm early though?"
I just cross my arms and shake my head, "nope, your about 4 months late"

To this, she rolls her eyes and hits me with the rolled up peice of paper she held in her hand.
"okay, you're lucky I'm even here."

I put my hands up in mock surrender, and just respond, "right, sorry." I pick the notes back up again and hand them to China, "in all seriousness though, I'm glad you're here, I genuinely thought I was going to go insane not knowing anyone on my side."

After a quick scan through the notes, she just laughs and hands them back,
"you're seriously telling me you haven't asked for their names?"

"Нет, нет, I have, they just won't give me their names." She looks at me with a knowing glance,
"you sure you didn't ask in your head?"
I glare at her, but it does make me think. No, I definitely asked them outloud, I remember their responses vividly.
"No, I definitely asked them."

Shaking her head, she just mutters, clear enough for me to hear,
"it's a good thing I'm here then, isn't it?"

I nod a bit too proudly at this, fitted with the hands on hips pose as well.
Almost immediately after, I hear a laugh from across the table, followed by him trying to muffle it terribly.

I know who it was before turning around, but I turn around nonetheless, tilting my head at him and smiling.

Britain responds as well as he could whilst laughing as much as he was.
"the pose... it's.. so gay--HAH"
Moving my hands to the back of the seat I stood behind, I lean forward ever so slightly, and respond with a smirk,
"well, I'd kind of hope so"

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