Chapter 23

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yo yo yo, chapter 23 alreadyy??? and nearly 1k reads :O thank you so much-

No picture for this chapter, I can't be bothered honestly.

Remember to check if you've read previous chapters. :)

Brit's POV:

We wasted away most of the morning, but soon enough Soviet had to leave for an interview. The jobs in the main scyscraper are really demanding, no wonder not many people get them.

But yet again, they are meant for higher ranking nations sinse you'd be working alongside the bigger unions, e.g the Leage of Nations.
They really must have a preference for unions, huh, you know, with both soviet and the USA being unions.. to some extent.

We say our good byes to him, and I assure him that Ukraine is in safe hands with me.
Beforehand, while Ukraine was watching *whatever you chose, test your memory*, I booked an appointment for him to get his ears pierced.

I'm surprised they could allow us on such short notice, but I'm glad they could.
Is it bad I purposely went to a less-known place to avoid meeting people I know? Probably, but who are you to judge, you'd do the same.
Infact, you probably do it already.

"We have to be there by 3pm, so we'll leave at 2, because I don't know my way there and google maps scare me."
Ukraine looks at me concerned but soon returns to a neutral facial expression before responding,
"..uhhh, okay, I'm not going to ask why it scares you."

I look down in mock-shame, "yeah, probably for the best." Hearing Ukraine sigh in almost disbelief, I look back up to see him staring at his phone in shock.

He must of sensed my confusion for he turns his phone screen towards me, allowing me to see that Russian Empire was trying to threaten him into coming back 'home'.

Well this is an interesting turn to the day. Would he mind if we just cutely turn our phones off and pretend that we never got the next few messages he sends?

....But do I care if he minds it or not? No.
"hey, maybe, uh turn off your phone so we 'coincidentally' don't see the messages till after the piercing."
Ukraine immediately smirks and does what I suggest.

"you know, I've never gone against what he said before, it feels sort of... nice??"
I smile at this, but quickly respond, "get used to it, we're going to be doing it a lot in the near future."

A few moments pass while he tries figuring out how he feels about what I had said, he decides to not care but he still looks at me worried, and asks a question.
"he won't do anything to me, right?"

Placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder, I say, "We would never let him near you, don't worry."
His worried look turns into yet another neutral expression.

Bonnie sits up, causing Ukraine to slip and sit up aswell. She stares at the window with her ears back, and teeth slightly bared.
Well, this.. uh, strange to say the least, the only time she was like this was during the war and even then, it was pretty rare.

Causiously, I walk towards the window and try find who or what had made her react like that.
I was about to turn back around after seeing nothing out of the usual, until spotting something moving in the bushes but it had dissapeared almost as quickly as it happened.

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