Chapter 17

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chapter 17, damn, I fully didn't expect myself to write this much, thank you so much for 500+ reads, and the commenting.
thank you thank you thank you.

Remember to check if you've read the other chapters.


Brit's POV:

I wait for the others to go to bed, leaving me and Scot to guard the base.
"you're not going to listen to me are you?"

Looking over to Scotland, I respond,
"'d you know?"

He laughs and walks over to me, "I know you well enough to know that you'd do anything for the people closest to you." Sighing, he carries on, "but, if you were to go over the border, please be careful, don't do anything other than find him."

I didn't expect him to say that to be honest, he'd never let me do things that could potentially threaten my safety.
In shock, I reply,
"oh, uh, thanks and I will, I promise."

I look out the window to see if I can think of a direction I can start off with, but to no avail, it was too dark to see anything to go off of.
"start with the direction you saw синий running from."

I do a mental facepalm.
How did I not think of that?
"ah, clever, am I allowed to go right now?"
I turn back to see Scotty nodding.

"Yeah, me and Bons will be able to fight off any attackers."

With that he shoos me out of the door, waiting for me to turn into a robin before turning to go back into the building with a bye.

I forgot birds can see in the dark, this could be useful.
Now, which direction did синий run from, ah, just straight off of the window.

I start to fly in that direction, noticing the small things like the odd fox or raccoon, but not Soviet or any of his animals; the peregrine falcon and brown bear.

I see a few enemy soldiers and barbed wire, signifying the crossing of the border. Okay, I'm doing this.
Maybe he's safe and синий just missed us, but yet again, why was she so panicked.

A few excruciatingly long hours go by before I start to lose hope.
Maybe this was a bad idea, I shouldn't have gone this far across the border.
He's nowhere, or atleast nowhere thats not near the enemy base.

Speaking of the enemy base, I can see it, the air seems pretty heavy, just like the end of the battle at our base.
Something has happened.

I start to go into full panic mode and attempt to go back to the base, although I need to rest soon, I've been flying for hours.

I fly as far as I could without my lil birdy wings fully bailing on me and decide to perch on some of the inner branches of a tree.
The leaves seem to cover me well enough.

After a few short minutes I feel a strong feeling of being watched.
Oh Scott, I hate that feeling.

I turn around frantically, trying to get a glimpse of what could be there before focusing on a falcon.

A peregrine falcon.

It doesn't do anything but watch me intensely.
Am I just getting my hopes up, or could it be Sovi?

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