Chapter 16

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yo yo yo,
kinda proud of the art, but not as much as last chapters.

Remember to check if you've read the other chapters. :)


Sov's POV:

"синий, пожалуйста." (Siney, please.)
I sit on the bed in the room I was assigned in the Axis Base.
Sighing, I say, "come on, if I didn't say that you would've been killed."

Синий purrs in response and turns to face the wall opposite from me.
I pinch the bridge of my nose out of slight frustration.

"fine, be like that," sarcastically I muttur, "it's not like it's been nearly a month or anything."

Why am I letting myself get bullied my cat. Oh yeah, sorry, I don't let myself do anything, she's the boss of everything.

She jolts her head to my phone which does a short *buzz* to notify I have a message.
Wonder who that's from.
I quickly grab my phone before синий could do anything, turning it on in the process.

{one message from Belarus}

(oh also, forgot to mention, I hc Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, etc etc, as Soviet's siblings, I've accidentally made Soviet too awkward to ever have kids, so he'll be a great older brother)


When are you coming


I look at синий who's giving me a death glare.

", how long we betting this stupid war will last?"
She softens her gaze and walks over to the calender that Fascist Italy had put in each room, slowly pawing at the object.

"I thought you didn't want my help?"
I say, referring to an incident that had occurred earlier on in the day, consisting of a cupboard, a Japanese soldier and alot of scratching, aimed at me.

Cиний proceeds to hiss at me before going back to pawing at the calender.
I roll my eyes, walk over to her and open the calender at March, which she paws at the number, 26th.

26th of March?
I chuckle slightly before walking back to the bed and messaging Belarus back.


Синий thinks 26th
March, so we gotta
hope that she
can tell the future.

not funny.

what's not funny?

we thought you'd
be back by now...

even Ukraine is
admitting she misses

ah, I must be
massively missed then.

шкада беларусі.
(sorry Belarus)


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