Chapter 11

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ahh, sorry for not publishing in ages.

remember to check if you've read the other chapters.


Scotland's POV:

I watch as everyone introduces themselves to Britains friend, Portugal.
England introducing himself last.

It's hilarious to watch him get all nervous talking to his crush in person, but they did end up talking for ages.

I look at Britain and Norway talking to Northy, who immediately gets excited when they finish. I wonder what they're talking about.
Probably just something about a bird, Northy get's very excited about birds, they're her favourite animals.

Wait. Where's Wales and Ireland?
I look around slightly to see if I can spot them before walking over to Norway.
"hii, love, do you know where Wales and Ireland are?"

"yeah, they said they were gonna find Kiwi, to 'surprise' her"
She uses hand quotes around the word surprise.

"ah, okay, do they know where they're going?"

Britain chimes in with "nope, we asked if they needed any help-"
"but they said, and I quote 'we'll figure it out' which I don't think is a good idea sinse the city is MASSIVE." North cut Brit off, which in return lightly punches her in the arm.

"OW-" the brit immediately covers her mouth with his hand before saying
"anyways, as I was saying, they don't know where they are- EW DON'T LICK MY HAND." He wipes his hand on Northy's shoulder while she sticks her tongue out at him.

This gains the attention of the lovebirds, who start walking over.

"don't worry, Scotland, I told em where to go." Portugal informs.
"ah, thanks."

She smiles as if to say 'your welcome' and turns to Norway to whisper something who in return replies with a nod.

What are they talking about?
Northy gasps as if she saw someone shot her pet bird infront of her.
She was about to shout something before Britain covered her mouth.

I'm guessing she overheard what they were saying?
What are they up to?

I'm just gonna go find Bane and figure out what they were talking about tonight.

~~~~{Time Skip}~~~~
(next day)

Britain's POV:

AHAHAHAUA, todays the day where Norway and Scotland get to meet Soviet.
I wonder if they will like him.
I kinda feel bad for not telling Scotland sooner, but Norway probably told him last night.

I'm walking back home with Sov and Portugal from school.
"I can't believe this my last week in school- that's gone by so quickly."

S- "hmm, it's not gonna be the same without you, although, I won't miss America--"

B- "course you wouldn't, you hate each other, but can't wait for Au FrAnÇaIs to leave next year, gives us a year of peace."

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